
On organizations dealing with the Holocaust; their history, mission, activities, and events, both revisionist and exterminationist.

Special IHR Meeting

David Irving will be the main speaker at the Marriott Suites hotel in Costa Mesa on 7 September at this IHR “Mini-conference.” I will speak as well, while Mark Weber will report on recent revisionist news. While most attendees will be from the Southern California area, others are flying in from the mid-West for the…

Spielberg Wheedles $1 Million from Taxpayers for New Hollywood Holocaust Project

Hollywood mega-mogul Steven Spielberg, maker of the turgid and dishonest Holocaust blockbuster Schindler's List, has been given $1 million by the U.S. Treasury, for a charity he set up to videotape and computerize the memories of “survivors” of the Holocaust. A photograph appearing in the Washington Post shows Spielberg receiving a blown-up facsimile of the…

The Simon Wiesenthal Center

THE SIMON WIESENTHAL CENTER has its own World Wide Web site and is posting materials there which can be very helpful to everybody, except perhaps the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC). The Unites States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) has a site as well, but it’s being developed in a much more cautious, self-protective mode than that…

The Nizkor Project

This is the sort of thing we’re up against and one reason why it is so important for us to be on the Internet. The Nizkor Project (in Hebrew — “we will remember”) is only one of many sites on the World Wide Web that is posting massive amounts of holocaust-related materials — all of…

After the Museum

HANS SCHMIDT. As mentioned above, I toured the museum with Hans. The following day we got together in my digs in Crystal City when I had my new Sony videocam set up. I interviewed Hans on tape for four hours about his impressions of the museum. Hans, a German nationalist, has interests different from mine,…

ADL Censorship University of Texas

Those of you who have followed the Campus Project will recall the struggle that took place at U. Texas at Austin earlier this year. There was an incredibly neurotic scandal over the acceptance of my full page ad on “The Holocaust Controversy” and later over a second ad, sponsored by the Institute for Historical Review,…

Dr. Deborah Lipstadt & the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

“In recent months, a lone denier, Bradley Smith, has garnered incredible amounts of attention with a tactically brilliant but devious maneuver: the placing of advertisements in student newspapers arguing there was no Holocaust.” Deborah Lipstadt, Holocaust historian and the only female golem still residing in Los Angeles county, gives me the benefit of her attention…

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