
Holocaust revisionism is the Western World’s biggest taboo. Hence there is an almost complete blackout about revisionism, except when it comes to maligning revisionists and misrepresenting their views. Hence, reaching out to the misinformed public is of primary importance. This part of our website deals with our various efforts to break through the walls of silence.

Media Project to Question How the Holocaust Story Is Exploited

As some of you may recall, I dreamed up the Media Project in January 1986. My attention had been caught by the fact that while a little revisionist literature was being distributed with some success, revisionists themselves were hard to find. There was something of a common understanding in those days that it wasn’t wise…

Congresswoman Protests Blurb Used in Distribution of CODOH’s “Video of the Century”

An Oregon man has been distributing our one-hour video on Auschwitz, David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, to a nation-wide audience at his own expense. Just for starters, he sent it to the entire U.S. Congress. Marcy Kaptur (D, Ohio) thought the video was pretty nifty. On 16 January Congresswoman Kaptur wrote on her Congressional…

Articles Appearing on Our Website Available in Printed Form

(Please remit about ten cents per page – plus the most generous contribution you can make over that amount.) David Irving. Introduction to Goebbels, Mastermind of the Third Reich. 7pp. This is the intro to the book suppressed by St. Martin’s under pressure from various Jewish lobbies. Andrew Allen. Aerial Photo Surveillance of Auschwitz. 3pp….

And the Pot Keeps Boiling, Boiling

Northwestern University. The Daily Northwestern reports (12 April) that “Holocaust educator” Scott Fishweicher spoke to a “small group” (NU’s Students Helping to Organize Awareness of the Holocaust [SHAH]) to lament the “widespread outcry” caused by ads placed by “Noted revisionist Bradly [sic] Smith….” “Fishweicher showed a ’48 Hours’ video illustrating the controversy of revisionism on…

Revisionist Video on Auschwitz Continues to Infiltrate Government, Libraries and the Academy

David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, the remarkable video filmed at Auschwitz by David Cole, is circulating in all the right places. Georgia House of Representatives. Thank you for the [David Cole] video. It does raise some valid and interesting points. Have you considered court action to get the video aired? — Alvin L. Barth,…

CODOH Undermines French Exterminationist Book Burners

Doing our best to combat modern-day Omars, CODOH has published two complete books by censored French revisionist writers on our Website. Les mythes fondateurs de la politique israélienne by Roger Garaudy: is posted complete at CODOH International. Garaudy has argued that Hitler's killing of Jews amounted to “pogroms” or “massacres”, but that it is an…

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