
Holocaust revisionism is the Western World’s biggest taboo. Hence there is an almost complete blackout about revisionism, except when it comes to maligning revisionists and misrepresenting their views. Hence, reaching out to the misinformed public is of primary importance. This part of our website deals with our various efforts to break through the walls of silence.

The Campus Project

Early in the month I signed up temporarily with America On Line (AOL) so I could access the Internet (the “Net”) and browse around through the World Wide Web (the “Web”), which is where I will set up the permanent CODOH Website. There were installation problems I could not solve so I had to call…

$2,000 Matching Funds Offer

Last month a generous, practical and imaginative Indiana man offered to “match” contributions of $250 or more up to a total of $2,000, with the stipulation that his contribution go specifically toward retiring my most costly credit card balance. That was Discover Card, where my debt was $4,880. (The interest payments on this debt alone…

Break His Bones

In August I mailed queries to 20 important periodicals around the country offering the right to excerpt a section of the manuscript. Last week I received a letter from an editor at one of the really top magazines in the country saying yes, she wants to see it. She knows who I am, what I…

Campus Project

Friend: REVISIONIST VIDEOTAPE ON AUSCHWITZ IN HANDS OF NEARLY ALL FOREIGN LEADERS With the help of an Oregon supporter I mailed a copy of the Auschwitz video, “David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper,” to the presidents, prime ministers and sundry tyrants who rule the governments in Eastern Europe and the old Soviet Empire, the Moslem…


Because of substantial contributions over the last six weeks by three supporters, to each of whom I here reiterate my appreciation, all my personal accounts are current. Additionally, my business and credit card debts, which had soared to $15,800, now stand at $12,900. Interest on the card debt alone is about $330 a month. The…

Revisionist Airwaves

Ernst Zuendel is doing it on radio, TV, the Internet and by toll-free telephone. If you find he’s making naughty comments, don’t worry. He’s being thoroughly monitored. Freedom Radio: KXEL. Waterloo, IA. 1540 AM. Monday through Thursday, 10pm Central Time. Satellite TV At these Co-Ordinates: Galaxy C-4—Transponder 11 (C-Band) Downlink Frequency: 3920 Satellite Location: 99…

The Campus Project

The Campus Project has been a tremendous success over the past five years. I’ve run essay/advertisements in more than 70 student newspapers, many at some of the most prestigious universities in America. There have been hundreds of editorials and print stories about the project in both student and metropolitan papers, a stream of radio and…

The Campus Project

Three more student newspapers have run the CODOH ad challenging the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum to display evidence demonstrating the existence of homicidal gassing chambers or that at least one person was “gassed” as part of a State program of genocide. They include Oberlin College, Wittenberg University, and Middlesex Community College. Oberlin, in Oberlin Ohio,…

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