

How Fares the Roques Thesis?

On January 18, 1988, the administrative tribunal of Nantes confirmed the annulment of my defense of my thesis, an annulment decided by Minister of Research and Higher Education Alain Devaquet and announced at a press conference held on July 2, 1986. I immediately appealed to the Council of State. Two years have passed, and the…

The Spanish Armada: The Experience of War in 1588

The Spanish Armada: The Experience of War in 1588 by Felipe Fernandez-Artnesto. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988, hardbound, 300 pages, index, illustrations, $22.95. ISBN: 0-19-822926-7. For over four hundred years, the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 has been celebrated by the English as a glorious God-sent victory in which the Protestant David…

If You Can't Eat Em, Beat “Em – Or – How I Killed Thousands with My Bare Hands

In the Far Eastern war crimes trials, Japanese defendants were commonly convicted of killing POW’s by fiendish torture (possibly for tenderizing purposes), after which the victims were eaten. Today, of course, it is recognized that the Japanese are a nation of fastidious eaters who consume little meat; nor do they devour dogs, cats, rats, and…

Jean-Claude Pressac and the War Refugee Board Report

In his monumental study Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers,[1] Jean-Claude Pressac proposes a “critical study of the War Refugee Board' report of November 1944 on KL Auschwitz-Birkenau” (pp. 459-468), purporting to “demonstrate the authenticity of the Rosenberg/Wetzler testimonies regarding Krematorien of type II/III” (p. 459), the accuracy of which, he concedes, is…

Witch Hunt in Boston

Boston is historically famous for an atmosphere conducive to free thinking. Boston is no less historically infamous for an atmosphere of social and political intolerance, the like of which is unrivalled in the annals of repressive thoughts. The witch hunt originates from the very bedbolts of Boston's fiber and, although perfected in Salem, one of…

Living History

What am I? I've been called everything from an extreme liberal to an ultra-conservative. I am neither. I have been labeled a “Nazi” because of my numerous interviews with Hitler's adjutants, secretaries, doctors, and military leaders, both SS and Wehrmacht. I loved the remark the Soviets made in 1976 about me being “the leading Western…

Major Poullada’s final defense plea in the Nordhausen-Dora concentration camp case

Introduction by Mark Weber Published here for the first time is the informative and thought-provoking final defense plea in the postwar Nordhausen-Dora concentration camp case. U.S. Army Major Leon B. Poullada, chief defense counsel, made this presentation on December 23, 1947, to the seven American Army officers who served as judges. The text has been…

Neither Trace nor Proof

The French author Jean-Claude Pressac has written a monumental work – 564 pages in large format, with hundreds of photographs, plans, sketches, drawings and reproduced documents on the creation, utilization and destruction of seven Auschwitz-Birkenau installations which supposedly once housed execution gas chambers. J.-C. Pressac carried out an exhaustive on-site investigation. During the course of…

Not Guilty at Nuremberg: The German Defense Case

Not Guilty at Nuremberg: The German Defense Case, by Carlos Porter. Brighton, England: Historical Review Press, n.d., pb., 22 pp., photographs, $5.00. ISBN: The Nuremberg Trials are arguably the gravest miscarriage of justice since the witch trials of pre-Enlightenment Europe and colonial America. At the close of the Second World War, the Allies arrested the…

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