

Battleship Auschwitz

Remarks presented to the Tenth International Revisionist Conference Ladies and gentlemen, we are very pleased and honored to once again welcome to this podium the distinguished British historian, Mr. David Irving. As many of those here this afternoon will recall, he also addressed the IHR conferences of 1983 and 1989. David Irving was born in…

Tell-tale documents and photos from Auschwitz

Jean-Claude Pressac’s book, Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, is the first serious and detailed response to the revisionist critique of the generally accepted Auschwitz extermination story. This 564-page work is itself evidence that Holocaust Revisionism can no longer be dismissed as a temporary or frivolous phenomenon, but is a formidable challenge that…

Faces of the Enemy

Faces of the Enemy: Reflections of the Hostile Imagination, by Sam Keen. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986. Hb., 199 pp., illustrated, $19.45; ISBN 0-06-250471-1. (Pb., 1988, illustrated, $12.95; ISBN 0-06-250467-3.) Faces of the Enemy is a collection of over three hundred political cartoons, posters and artwork showing how enemies have been depicted in twentieth…

The Last Liberal Historian: A. J. P. Taylor, March 25, 1906 – Sept. 7, 1990

Alan John Percivale Taylor, Fellow of Magdalen College in Oxford, may not have shared the religion of his co-Fellow, C. S. Lewis, but he turned into a similar lamp-post of unyielding virtue. For Taylor, a Labour Party supporter and vigorous supporter of “preparedness” and opposition to Third Reich aggression, his moment of conversion came as…

From the Editor

In this issue of The Journal of Historical Review we are proud to publish, for the first time in English, the Second Leuchter Report, which has just appeared in a French translation, in the premiere issue of Revue d'histoire révisionniste (B.P. 122, 92704 Colombes Cédex, France). Just as Fred Leuchter's minute investigation of the remains…

The Notin Affair

Bernard Notin, forty years old, married with five children, senior lecturer at the University of Lyon-III (titled Jean Moulin) was denounced in the newspaper Le Monde January 28-29, 1990, p. 9) by Edwy Plenel for an article published in the review Economies et Sociétés (no. 32 of a review published by Presses Universitaires de Grenoble…

From the Editor

This fortieth issue of The Journal of Historical Review, capping a decade of publication (with one year's “sabbatical”) could be called the “David Irving issue.” In three separate, full-length articles the Englishman gives a masterly display of his versatility as an historian. The dogged prospector for original sources, the merciless discreditor of the forgeries on…

The Occult Roots of Nazism

The Occult Roots of Nazism, by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, U.K.: Aquarian Press, 1985. Hardbound, 293 pages, illustrations, $23.50, ISBN 0-85030-402-4. Although the gas chamber mythos has been the center-piece of ongoing Establishment efforts to diabolize the Third Reich, there has been a parallel attempt to remove that epoch from objective consideration by casting it…

From the editor

This issue of The Journal, the forty-first since publication was begun in 1980, opens Volume II with a long-sought contribution: Pulitzer-Prize winning historian John Toland's autobiographical remarks to IHR's Tenth Conference at Washington, D.C. last fall. IHR had sought out the best-selling author as a speaker for several years after the appearance of his Infamy:…

The Second Leuchter Report

FOREWORD Fred A. Leuchter is a 46-year old engineer who lives in Boston. He is a specialist in planning and building execution facilities for American penitentiaries. One of his achievements was the modernization of the execution gas chamber in the penitentiary at Jefferson City, Missouri. Ernst Zündel is a 50-year-old German who lives in Toronto,…

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