

Living History

What am I? I've been called everything from an extreme liberal to an ultra-conservative. I am neither. I have been labeled a “Nazi” because of my numerous interviews with Hitler's adjutants, secretaries, doctors, and military leaders, both SS and Wehrmacht. I loved the remark the Soviets made in 1976 about me being “the leading Western…

Major Poullada’s final defense plea in the Nordhausen-Dora concentration camp case

Introduction by Mark Weber Published here for the first time is the informative and thought-provoking final defense plea in the postwar Nordhausen-Dora concentration camp case. U.S. Army Major Leon B. Poullada, chief defense counsel, made this presentation on December 23, 1947, to the seven American Army officers who served as judges. The text has been…

Neither Trace nor Proof

The French author Jean-Claude Pressac has written a monumental work – 564 pages in large format, with hundreds of photographs, plans, sketches, drawings and reproduced documents on the creation, utilization and destruction of seven Auschwitz-Birkenau installations which supposedly once housed execution gas chambers. J.-C. Pressac carried out an exhaustive on-site investigation. During the course of…

Not Guilty at Nuremberg: The German Defense Case

Not Guilty at Nuremberg: The German Defense Case, by Carlos Porter. Brighton, England: Historical Review Press, n.d., pb., 22 pp., photographs, $5.00. ISBN: The Nuremberg Trials are arguably the gravest miscarriage of justice since the witch trials of pre-Enlightenment Europe and colonial America. At the close of the Second World War, the Allies arrested the…

Reviewing a Year of Progress

Since our last conference in February 1989, the entire world has been joyful witness to dramatic and almost unbelievable historical events in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Above all, we have seen the breakdown of Soviet Communism, and with it, the end of Soviet domination of eastern Europe. These world-historical events, which were all…

An Open Letter to the President of West Germany

23 November 1988 The President of the Federal RepublicRichard von Weizsäcker5300 Bonn Mr. President: You have repeatedly expressed yourself publicly on questions pertaining to Germany's history in this century (the first time was in your speech of 8 May 1945 before the West German parliament). The content and tone of your statements shows that you…

Roosevelt and Hitler: Prelude to War

Roosevelt and Hitler: Prelude to War, by Robert E. Herzstein. New York: Paragon House, 1989, hardbound, 500 pages, photographs, index, $24.95. ISBN: 1-55778-021-8 Among those who are essentially sympathetic with his presidency, opinion about Franklin D. Roosevelt’s role in the period leading up to Pearl Harbor is divided. During the late 1930's, FDR promised “time…

Auschwitz: Technique & Operation of the Gas Chambers (I)

Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers. Jean-Claude Pressac. New York: The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation; 1989. Jean-Claude Pressac’s massive study of the homicidal gas chambers of Auschwitz and Birkenau appeared two years ago. Had it actually presented the slightest proof for the existence of the alleged gas chambers, media throughout the entire world would…

Russia 1917-1918

While all are agreed that the overthrow of the Russian Empire in 1917 was one of the most important happenings in recorded history, honest attempts to find out exactly what did happen, how it was planned and carried out, have always been attended by difficulty and danger. In the Soviet Union the propagation of any…

Battleship Auschwitz

Remarks presented to the Tenth International Revisionist Conference Ladies and gentlemen, we are very pleased and honored to once again welcome to this podium the distinguished British historian, Mr. David Irving. As many of those here this afternoon will recall, he also addressed the IHR conferences of 1983 and 1989. David Irving was born in…

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