

War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War

War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War by John W. Dower. New York: Pantheon Books, 1986, xii, 399 pp., illustrated, $22.50, ISBN 0-394-50030-X. Following the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the American people reacted violently with fear and anger at the suddenly ominous power of the Japanese nation. The forms this…

Death and Rebirth: European Politial Observations

Concerning constitutions, Montesquieu wrote in volume IX of his work Esprit des lois: “Some…have as their purpose…the gorification of the State ( “la gloire de 1'état” ), others the political freedom of the citizen.” If an unbiased observer studies those nations of the world which have succeeded in retaining their political sovereignty to this day,…

My Role in Berlin on July 20, 1944

My assignment to the guard regiment “Großdeutschland” in Berlin was actually a form of rest and recreation – my first leave from the front – after my many wounds and in recognition of my combat decorations, including the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves and the Close Combat Badge in Silver (forty-eight days of close combat)….

Special Treatment: The Untold Story of Hitler’s Third Race

Special Treatment: The Untold Story of Hitler's Third Race by Alan Abrams. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, 1985, 261pp, ISBN 0-8184-0364-0. This book may have the most ironic title of any work dealing with the Jews of Europe in the 1930's and 40's. Its author, Alan Abrams, is a convinced Exterminationist, but the “special treatment” he…

Warsaw under German rule

Warschau unter deutscher Herrschaft [Warsaw under German rule] by Friedrich Gollert. Warsaw: Berg Verlag GmbH.,1942, 302 pp. On the occasion of the two years' existence of the General Government (GG), I was commissioned to render an account concerning the District of Warsaw. At that time (1941) I wrote Zwei Jahre Wiederaufbau im Distrikt Warschau (Two…

Deceptive Linguistic Structures in the Phrase “The Holocaust”

At present, the phrase the Holocaust is almost universally used to refer to various aspects of the situation in which Jews found themselves under the National Socialist regime from 1933 to 1945, in Germany and occupied territories. In this usage, there are several features of linguistic, graphemic, and scmantic structures which command the belief of…

Not Just Japanese Americans

I. Pre-Pearl Harbor The sad saga of civil liberties in the United States during the Second World War begins well before Pearl Harbor. The popular impression is that the Japanese surprise attack in December 1941 caught the U.S. government totally unaware. In an effort to counter this impression, countless Revisionist historians have raked over the…

Stalin’s War

Stalin's War: A Radical New Theory of the Origins of the Second World War, by Ernst Topitsch. Translated by A. and B.E. Taylor. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1987, 160 pages, $19.95, ISBN: 0-312-0989-5. Can there be any real doubt who was the prime mover in the tumultuous events of 1933-1945? From the vast majority…

West German Court Rejects Judge Stäglich’s Appeal

While an officer in a German anti-aircraft unit in 1944, Wilhelm Stäglich was for several months stationed in the vicinity of the Auschwitz concentration camp. The postwar doubts he expressed about alleged mass exterminations carried out at Auschwitz have led to twenty years of disciplinary proceedings, including his early retirement from the judiciary with a…

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