

The “Effektenkammer” in the Camps of NS Germany

“Effektenkammer” in Buchenwald camp in 2004 Every concentration camp of the Third Reich had a large storage building called “Effektenkammer,” but the largest one I have seen that is still standing is in the Buchenwald camp near Weimar. The Effekten­kammer was that building in the camps where the personal belongings of the prisoners were stored…

The Jews of Kaszony

Kaszony (properly Mezökaszony) is a small market town in Subcarpathia, the province that became part of Czechoslovakia after World War I, that was ceded to Hungary in 1938 and that finally became part of the Ukraine in 1945. Subcarpathia (Podkarpatská Rus) had a population of 800,000 in 1938 of which 12 % were Jewish. At…

The Significance of the Treaty of Verdun and the Emergence of the German Reich

The Franconian Empire was the most significant development toward centralized government of the medieval period. In this early Reich, which included both Romanic and Germanic peoples, foundations were laid for the political, social and cultural evolution of Western Europe. This was particularly true of France and Germany. The significance of impulses emanating from this early…

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Israel Threatens Human Rights Activists Israel Sends out Killers Skull an Outlawed Sign in Germany Filing a Criminal Complaint can be a Crime Fossil-Schwindel Taxi Driver Sentenced for Distributing Brochures Disciplinary Investigation Against Expert Witness House Search at Radio Islam Arab Revisionist Arrested Another French Encyclopedia Scandal German Historian: Some Hitler comparisons okay New Study…

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Atrocity Propaganda in U.S. Field Dispatch Furniture Dealer Causes Uproar Führer Beetle Marked for Renaming New York Revisionist Attracts Attention Book Review Caused Uproar in England Unprovoked Attack Similar Lies-Similar Liars Move to Revoke Pulitzer Prize Ernst Zündel Treated as Terrorist Austrian Engineer Fröhlich Arrested in Vienna One More Censorship Authority in Germany Escalation of…

In Brief

Belgian Revisionist Sentenced and Raided Again Austrian Revisionist Jailed German Lawyer Loses Passport for Revisionist Views European-Wide Law against Revisionism More Jewish Censorship in New Zealand Australia to Outlaw Criticism of Minorities Forced Commemoration of Lies in Germany Israel-Critical New Zealand Cartoonist Sacked Apologies for Praising Hitler's Economic Success Artistic Freedom for Auschwitz Souvenirs “Health…

In Brief

The USS Liberty Tragedy Will Not Rest; German or American First to Fly? Britain Publishes Air Photos Online; SS Geriatrics Tried in Italy for Alleged War Crimes; Hunting Lithuanian Geriatrics; Former German Camp Guard to be Deported; Wiesenthal Center Organizes Witch Hunt; Finta case changed war crimes prosecutions in Canada; Alleged War Criminal Solomon Morel Safe in Israel; Feminist Conquest of the Holocaust; Muslim Paper Fomenting Hate? Latvian Vulgar Revisionism Denounced; German Cartoon Attacks Holocaust-Promoter; The Auschwitz Tattooist; Swastikas a Felony in New York? And many more…

In Brief

$4,000 Fine for Revisionist Statements German Authorities Shut Down Websites Confiscation of Historical Reprint Absurdities of German Self-Hatred Germany's National Anthem not Illegal No Passport for Austrian Revisionist Revisionist Töben Banned from Europe N. Finkelstein Sued for Criticizing Holocaust Industry Gibson defends father over Holocaust European Conference Wants more Holocaust Propaganda Attempts to Muffle Teacher…

In Brief

Repressed Memory Syndrome Un-Repressed Australia Grabs the Spamming Nettle New Zealand’s Israeli Spy Scandal Continues Napoleon’s Cause of Death Revised – the Cure Did it! Chess Champ Bobby Fischer Seeks Asylum in Japan Media Liars: Jewish Confessions Israel’s Wall: World Court Judgment and UN Resolution Holocaust Denial Overseas Will be a Crime in Israel Anti-Semitism…

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