

The “Gas Testers” of Auschwitz

Introduction In 1989, Prof. Faurisson's challenge[1] to offer him one single tangible proof for the existence of National Socialist homicidal gas chambers – beyond untrustworthy 'eyewitness' testimonies – resulted in an emphatic response by French scholar Jean-Claude Pressac. In a massive work he presented "39 criminal traces" for the existence of homicidal gas chambers.[2] All…

The Suffering of Second, Third, and Fourth Generation Survivors of a Horrifying Death

As I, with heart breaking, recall the story, my Uncle Arthur was only 14 years old when he was struck and killed by a taxi cab careening down the street, the driver more than likely having been drinking and harboring a deep-seated hatred for bicycle riders. I never knew my Uncle Arthur, no doubt the…

Canada Tosses out Section 13 — Internet “Hate Speech” Law

Both of the following reports from the establishment media in Canada are defective. They omit the role of lawyer Doug Christie in battling for free speech in Canada for more than 25 years. This is an enormous omission in that British Columbia's Christie, together with Ontario attorney Barbara Kulaszka and independent activists Paul Fromm and Marc Lemire, has…

Fragments: Another Ordinary Life

*** The CODOH Homepage has been completely restructured. It’s a job that began with one volunteer back in 2010, was interrupted a number of times by real life, but now it’s up. It’s a work-in-progress, as are all Web pages, forever, but it’s up and functioning. What is particularly new about it, other than the…

Ancient Mummies in Europe

The first mummies to be discovered in Britain have been found in the Outer Hebrides. Researchers believe islanders on South Uist started mummifying their dead at the same time as the ancient Egyptians. Film-makers from BBC’s “Meet The Ancestors” program followed archaeologists from the University of Sheffield working at Cladh Hallan on South Uist. The…

Exaggerated, One-Sided Victim Numbers Fuel Hatred

The International Strategic Studies Association Balkan & Eastern Mediterranean Policy Council On the eve of the dedication of a monument to Muslims killed at Srebrenica (Bosnia-Herzegovina) in 1995, a group which includes a former UN official, intelligence experts, and journalists, released a statement challenging the official alleged casualty number of 7,000 victims as “vastly inflated…

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