

Smith’s Report, no. 135

The “Battle for the Campus” Goes to Teheran Bradley Smith The “Holocaust” Conference in Tehran was significant for three primary reasons, in my view. In the first place, the fact that it happened and that it was sponsored by the foreign ministry of a Nation State. Secondly, because the State that sponsored it is “evil,”…

The Victories of Revisionism (Part 1)

Professor Faurisson recently appeared in court in Paris for having participated at the Tehran Holocaust conference. Then French President Jacques Chirac, upon hearing that the gathering was taking place, made an unprecedented request to the justice system to prosecute the négationniste Faurisson. The case finally came up on June 25, 2015, only to be adjourned…

Facing up to the Truth

The Revisionist, Helen Schulman, Crown Publishers, 1998 The Revisionist is a work of fiction (with no affiliation or connection to the magazine that you are currently reading) that confronts psychological “denial” on multiple levels. Helen Schulman has written a fast-paced book in which her main character, a neurotic neurologist, David Hershleder learns to cope with…

The David Irving Case Unfolds

In early January, a libel trial convened in London, pitting dissident historian David Irving against Deborah Lipstadt, an American professor of religion. Irving, the plaintiff, claims that Lipstadt libeled him in her book, “Denying the Holocaust”, charging that she made many false statements about him and his associations and that as a direct result of…

George Bush versus Revisionism

On Monday, June 16, 2003 news headlines across the United States announced the latest target of President George W. Bush’s wrath-Revisionist historians. Strangely as Bush was shifting his focus from al Qaeda and Iraq to Iran, he decided to take a shot at Revisionists. One headline screamed, “Bush Blasts ‘Revisionist Historians’ on Iraq.”[1] Harry Barnes,…

The Dawning of a New Era

Introduction By Richard A. Widmann From 1999 to 2002, the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH), published four issues of The Revisionist mainly for free distribution on College Campuses. After the free distribution of CODOH's journal, The Revisionist switched gears and became the first Revisionist e-zine. For another nine issues on-line, The Revisionist…

Open Air Incinerations in Auschwitz: Rumor or Reality?

Many former inmates as well as guards of the former National Socialist concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau claim that hundred thousands of corpses of murdered inmates were burned in ditches some 6 to 10 ft. deep. However, almost every book about Auschwitz points out that the entire grounds in and around the camp were swampy in those…

Bradley Smith, His Publications, and the Charge of Extremism

Recently, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) published a high profile, online study of alleged political extremism. Titled“Extremism in America,” it is “the fourth national survey and analysis of far-right extremism in America that ADL has published over the past two decades.”[1] First, let’s see how they define and identify “political extremism.” ADL claims that American society…

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