

A Question for Steven Spielberg

(This note to Spielberg, being distributed at USC and nation-wide, introduces a new angle into this project. More next month.) Steven SpielbergUSC Shoah Foundation650 W. 35th Street, Suite 114Los Angeles, CA 90089-2571213-740-6065;[email protected] January 30 2014 Mr. Spielberg: At USC your Shoah Foundation — The Institute for Visual History and Education, boasts some 52,000 video testimonies…

Sensation in France: Professor Faurisson Forces the CRIF (Jewish Lobby) into a Humiliating Retreat

The CRIF (Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France) is the closest thing France has to the United States Jewish lobby’s flagship organization AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee). Early each year, for example, the CRIF summons – more than it invites – to a solemn ceremonial dinner most of the country’s government, starting with…


*** Each afternoon a few minutes before 5pm my wife and I drive downtown to our mail drop hoping to find, among other interesting material, substantial contributions to help with the work. Sometimes it’s there, sometimes not. I need to average about $100 a day, or $3,000 a month, just to keep the work above…

The Library Project

Three or four CODOH coconspirators are visiting college libraries offering a free copy of Bradley's Break His Bones to be catalogued and shelved. When, and if, such an event takes place, we would have an opportunity to make the public aware of the dedication to free speech at that college or university.  Such an institution…

The Murder of History and the Belfer Foundation for Holocaust Education

Here Jett Rucker addresses what the purpose of the Belfer Workshop really is. This text was forwarded to some 2,400 student organizations and faculty at the six chosen campuses.   The School of Education at six campuses nationwide have been selekted by the Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Foundation http://tinyurl.com/d8zoqt to indoctrinate future teachers in a mendacious,…

The Student Press Illustrates Once Again the Depth of the Holocaust Taboo in the American University

The Belfer First Step Workshop on the Holocaust is a program created by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to prepare pre-service secondary teachers to integrate the Holocaust into their lesson plans effectively. I learned about the Workshop in The Anchor, the student newspaper at Rhode Island College. It is worth noting that the U.S….

Hollywood, the Holocaust, and the Hatred of Truth

Revisionist doyen Robert Faurisson attended the thirtieth annual Fajr International Film Festival in Tehran and there on February 3 delivered a speech whose subject in English was “Against Hollywoodism—Revisionism.” In it, the pioneer revisionist provided a penetrating perspective from a distance of one ulterior aim of what is better known to Americans as “Hollywood morality,”…

To the Abattoir

We were a band of desperate individuals in the heart of the Balkans. And we were doomed to fail; our failure was our only excuse. [Legiuna Archanghelul Mihail] was the only sign that our country could be anything but a fiction. It was a cruel movement, a mixture of pre-history and prophecy, mystique of prayer…


*** In an article in The Daily Forward we find that a new study on anti-Semitism, commissioned by the German Parliament, concluded among other things that German Holocaust education is fueling German anti-Semitism. It often imposes “exaggerated moral expectations” on students, who respond with an anti-Semitism that is typified by “guilt denial.” They feel accused…

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