

After the Museum

HANS SCHMIDT. As mentioned above, I toured the museum with Hans. The following day we got together in my digs in Crystal City when I had my new Sony videocam set up. I interviewed Hans on tape for four hours about his impressions of the museum. Hans, a German nationalist, has interests different from mine,…


What's this? Another new format for Smith's Report? Can't he make up his mind? I'm trying to. Last week I finished issue 15 of the newsletter in its regular format. Size: 81/2 x 11. Number of pages: 8. Folded into a #10 envelope. It's a job that should take three or four days from start…


Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Errors, Inventions, etc. This is the heading under which my book, Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist, Part I is listed in the massive reference work Books in Print. Errors, inventions and whatever? Do I like that? I'm listed there along with Butz, Harwood, Rassinier, Roques, Sanning and Howard F. Stein. A stellar…

Advertising Copy… Considerations

Professor Faurisson's letter caused me to reflect again on how advertising, or any other piece of writing, is read from many different perspectives and understood in many different ways. And not only among revisionists either. The original advertising for our videotape, which we sent exclusively to people in the revisionist community, ballyhooed the video in…

Robert Faurisson Corrects the Record on Piper Interview

When Robert Faurisson received the advertising marerials for the videotape “David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper,” he was somewhat dismayed to find that they did not give credit to the decades of work that revisionist scholars and researchers had done on the Auschwitz “gas chambers,” and that our advertising materials could be read in a…

More on Texas and Elsewhere

The last couple days David and I have been interviewed for the U. Texas radio station. The Houston Chronicle has published an interview with me, and the Dallas Morning News has run an article on the Texas fracas. David gave a long interview to the Daily Texan. A high school teacher in a Dallas suburb…


SPIEGELMAUS Gay old revisionist dog barking his heart out for free speech Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's Spiegelmaus, rodent extraordinaire! One morning while I was working at the computer, I was surprised to see a batch of cartoons was coming out of my fax machine. I didn't know the artist….

Shootout at U. Texas Student Newspaper

On 19 February, after rejecting three separate advertisements from CODOH, the Daily Texan, the student newspaper of the University of Texas (Austin), published a half­page “Open Letter to the Daily Texan” by David Cole. The young Jewish revisionist's letter, written in a direct response to the Daily Texan's Orwellian refusal to publish a paid ad…

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