

Gypsy Holocaust?

1. The Holocaust Conference on the Persecution of the Gypsies Starting on 3 October 1991, at the Auschwitz State Museum at Auschwitz-Birkenau, an international conference was held on the topic of the persecution of the Gypsies during the Second World War. The related papers were published in 1998 in a book entitled Sinti und Roma…

No Smoking Gun, No Silver Bullets: The Real News of Rosenberg’s Diary

In June of 2013, the media was buzzing with the announcement of the discovery of the diary of Alfred Rosenberg by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). Initial reports announced that the diary “could offer new insights into the Holocaust.”[1] News conferences were held with officials from the Department…

On the Publication of “The Problem of the Gas Chambers” by “Le Monde”

This piece does not constitute a record of the debate on the question of the Nazi gas chambers. It is merely intended for the layman who would like to know the circumstances in which Le Monde, in 1978, came to give me the chance to express myself on that subject, and to have an idea…

Perfect Revisionism: The Vinland Map

Until very recently, a map clearly predating Columbus’s first voyage of discovery was widely considered evidence that Norsemen had “discovered” North America first. In fact, at the time it came to light (that is, onto the market), it constituted the best, if not the only evidence of this notion; discovery and dating of Norse settlements…

Reductio ad Hitlerum as a Social Evil

Third Reich “scholarship” is measured against a de facto axiom that it must be centered around the Holocaust, with concomitant discussions on medical experiments, and other aspects of a supposedly uniquely “Nazi” brutality. Anything less is branded by watchdog “scholars” such as Deborah Lipstadt as “relativizing the Holocaust,” which is apparently even worse than “Holocaust…

The Bone Mill of Lemberg

Preliminary Remarks Shortly after the Wehrmacht had occupied the Ukrainian city of Lemberg (30 June 1941), a work camp for Jews was set up on Yanovska street. At the Nuremberg tribunal, the Soviet prosecution claimed that this facility had simultaneously served as a “death camp” where huge numbers of prisoners had been murdered. When the…

The Death of a Distinguished Lawyer, Doug Christie, “the Battling Barrister”

Douglas (Doug) Christie has died. For its part, the Canadian English-language press has put out the news in terms which, unfortunately, can be understood when one knows that Douglas Christie had especially made himself known for his uncompromising defense of a major figure of historical revisionism, Ernst Zündel. But – a happy surprise – at…

102 Years of American Satrapy

Thomas Dalton’s article in this issue, “The Jewish Hand in the World Wars,” details successes of small groups of influential Jews in gaining control of the governmental apparatus in many countries, including notional democracies such as the United States. The process seems for the first time to have become visible in the record by the…

The Impotence of Force

The prospect of American military intervention in the Syrian imbroglio dominated global news through most of this September past. As the situation festered, it appeared that the Obama administration had in mind to fire a number of its super-accurate missiles into Syrian territory to “punish” the forces—said to be the legacy government of Syria—that had…

A Darkening Shadow

Background: On 20 May 2013 our national newspaper The Australian carried a news report headed “Labor MPs to back PM on anti-Semitism.” It included the following information: “NSW Labor MPs will use this week’s parliamentary sittings for a mass signing of the London Declaration on Combating Anti-Semitism. The Prime Minister became the first Australian leader…

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