No. 199 (October)

On the Holocaust Controversy

No. 199 · · October 2013

Serving the Revisionist Community from 1990 until 2016

  • Share a Bench with the Saint of Slaughter. By Jett Rucker
  • Holocaust Education Trust Ireland (HETI). By David Merlin
  • Two Sides of Dershowitz's Mouth. By Jett Rucker
  • A Follow-Up to Our Original Letter to Peter Black at the USHMM. By David Merlin
  • Swiss Court Sentences Frank Brunner to Jail for Revisionist Thought Crimes. By Frank Brunner
  • Hikind Demands Credit Card Companies Pull Support from Hate Groups. By Mark Hirshberg
  • A Message to the Spartans of the Spirit. By Ingrid Rimland Zündel
  • Smith Puts a Question to Mr. Abraham Foxman. By Bradley Smith
  • Tell Me Again, Who Made the Desert Bloom? By Lawrence of Cyberia
  • German Side of World War II Revealed. From The Australian
  • The Last Word/s. By Bradley Smith

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German Side of World War II Revealed

This story is from The Australian(Nothing new for us, but good to see today in the mainstream press.) GERMANY is to open its first museum dedicated to bomber offensives of World War II that will lay bare how the Allies attacked civilian areas. Only now, with survivors of the bombing raids well into old age,…

The Last Word/s

*** A German court in the Bavarian city of Regensburg has thrown out the latest appeal by British Bishop Richard Williamson. The appeal marked the fifth round of court proceedings in this case. The 73-year-old bishop was originally convicted of incitement to hatred after telling Swedish television in a 2009 broadcast that “200,000 to 300,000…

A Message to the Spartans of the Spirit

Q 1: In the mid-1990s your website, the famous Zundelsite, became the flagship of World War II Revisionism. It seems your NEW website, the Soaring Eagles website, is a radical departure from your customary political outreach. Have you abandoned your previous focus on Holocaust Revisionism? IR: Not at all. The Zundelsite exists in cyberspace despite…

Smith Puts a Question to Mr. Abraham Foxman

Abraham Foxman,National DirectorAnti-Defamation League605 Third AvenueNew York, NY 10158-3560(212) 885-7700, 12 September 2013 Dear Mr. Foxman: With regard to the recent killings by chemical weapons in Syria, either by the Syrian State or others, you have been quoted as saying: “Our people have been exterminated by the use of gas. We cannot stand by…

Swiss Court Sentences Frank Brunner to Jail for Revisionist Thought Crimes

Dear Mr. Smith: Thanks for your mail. On July 31, 2013, I was sentenced to 6 months prison with suspended sentence for 3 years. This means that during 3 years, if I do something wrong again, I’ll go to jail for those 6 months. And, according to the court, I shall not write anything about…

Two Sides of Dershowitz’s Mouth

Harvard legal scholar Alan Dershowitz has amassed for himself a formidable reputation as a pronouncer of learned views on legal matters, but his reputation for objectivity may not hold up so well under scrutiny. He recently declaimed, as he seems to roughly annually, on the unlikelihood of Israeli atomic spy Jonathan Pollard’s being able to…

Hikind Demands Credit Card Companies Pull Support from Hate Groups

Mark HirshbergJewish Political News and UpdatesSeptember 17, 2013 Assemblyman Hikind (D-Brooklyn) is calling on the major credit card companies to withdraw their support from numerous hate groups operating in the United States and abroad. It was discovered that eight Holocaust denial organizations are currently selling racist, anti-Semitic and Holocaust Denial products (books, videos) via websites…

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