Shoah Business

There is no business like Shoah business – except maybe waging war, which is even more profitable – for some. Papers listed in this section deal with what Norman G. Finkelstein called the “exploitation of Jewish suffering” – not just for financial ends. As a matter of fact, the “Auschwitz club” is a formidable weapon to wield against perceived political opponents anywhere in the world. Hence, it’s big business, indeed.

From the Editor

When the presidents of the United States, Israel and several other countries gathered in Washington, DC, on April 22 to formally dedicate the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, a small army of journalists, cameramen and commentators was there to broadcast the story to the entire world. In keeping with the spirit of the occasion, one politician…

Five-Story US Holocaust Museum to Open in Washington, DC

President Bill Clinton and other major political figures are expected to attend the formal dedication ceremony of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on April 22 in Washington, DC. Journalists and television crews from across the United States and many foreign countries will also be present at the ceremony, which coincides with the 50th anniversary…

Keeping Memory Alive for the Holocaust-Obsessed

Haaretz reports that a new survey to mark International Holocaust Memorial Day found that only 6 percent of Israeli children cite history lessons as a significant source of learning about the Holocaust ( The annual survey, conducted by the Massuah Institute for Holocaust Studies, shows school education has a very limited influence on shaping young…

West Germany’s Holocaust Payoff to Israel and World Jewry

The passions and propaganda of wartime normally diminish with the passage of time. A striking exception is the Holocaust campaign, which seems to grow more pervasive and intense as the years go by. Certainly the most lucrative expression of this seemingly endless campaign has been West Germanys massive and historically unparalleled reparations payoff to Israel…

Los Angeles “Museum of Tolerance” to Cost $30 Million

On 30 July of this year, California's Governor, George “Duke” Deukmejian, signed into law SB 337. This bill, introduced by Democratic State Senator David Roberti, of Hollywood, authorizes a grant of $5 million to the Simon Wiesenthal Center of Los Angeles for its “Museum of Tolerance” expansion program. The bill was signed despite the public…

Millions Go Into New Museums: National Holocaust Museum to Cost $100 Million

The campaign for the “U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum” in Washington D.C., has moved into high gear, says national director David Weinstein. More than $13 million in gifts and pledges for the museum center have already been received, he reports, and the campaign is receiving “support from all sectors of American life, which should enable construction…

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