
Reviews of entire books – brochures, monographs, anthologies.

Voices of the Holocaust

Lyn Smith, Remembering: Voices of the Holocaust, Carroll & Graf, New York, 2006. We will continue our search through the testimonies by having a look at the book Remembering: Voices of the Holocaust (Carroll & Graf, New York 2006) edited by Lyn Smith. The foreword is by Laurence Rees who, explaining the reasons for publishing…

How the Standard Holocaust Narrative Got off the Ground

Commandant in Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions. Carlo Mattogno and Rudolf Höss, English translation by Germar Rudolf. Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, UK, Nov. 2017; trade paperback, 402 pages, 6″×9″, bibliography, index, ISBN: 9781591481911.. Hellishly flaming crematoria. Lines of doomed Jews trudging through the snow from cattle cars. Heartless selektions. Gas chambers!…

Telling Stories to Stay Alive: Rudolf Höss vs. Scheherazade

Carlo Mattogno and Rudolf Höss, Commandant in Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions. English translation by Germar Rudolf. Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, UK, Nov. 2017; trade paperback, 402 pages, 6″×9″, bibliography, index, ISBN: 9781591481911. After his capture on March 11, 1946 by British occupation troops, Rudolf Höss stayed alive for 401 days…

Some More Testimonies from Greece

Fragkiski Ampatzopoulou (ed.), To olokautoma stis martyries ton ellinon evraion, Thessaloníki: Epikentro 2007 (978-9604581382) Continuing from the previous article, we will examine some more Greek testimonies, this time from the book The Holocaust in the Testimonies of the Greek Jews (To olokautoma stis martyries ton ellinon evraion). This book contains excerpts from published testimonies as…

The Chemistry of Auschwitz/Birkenau

Defenders of the Holocaust story have attempted to discredit scientific reports which disprove the existence of homicidal gas chambers at German camps during World War II. For example, Deborah Lipstadt’s defense attorney, Richard Rampton, referred in court to The Leuchter Report as “…a piece of so-called research which is not worth the paper it is…

Some Testimonies from Thessaloniki

Erika Kounio-Amarilio, Almpertos Nar (eds.), Prophorikes martyries Hevraiōn tēs Thessalonikēs gia to Holokautōma (Oral Testimonies of the Jews from Thesssaloniki about the Holocaust), Thessaloniki: Paratērētēs 1998,  494 pages, ISBN: 978-9602609408 (newer edition: Athens: Ekdoseis Eurasia, 2015; ISBN 9786185027506, 516 pp.) Oral Testimonies of the Jews from Thessaloniki about the Holocaust. What’s this you ask? This is…

The Holocaust: A New History

Laurence Rees, The Holocaust: A New History, Penguin Books, 2017. Greetings dear readers, we’re back again with another episode of our lovable historian and award winner Laurence Rees, the former Creative Director of History Programmes for the BBC. (For the first episode see here). This time, we are going to have a look at his…

The Orthodox Holocaust Narrative as a Conspiracy Theory

Rémi Perron, Révisionnisme contre complotisme. Paris: Editions Plein Soleil, 2016. 152 pp., bibliography, index. This book can be purchased at the French publisher’s website François Fradin, Notes sur l’extermino-complotisme et le révisionnisme. Rome: La Sfinge, 2016. 134 pp., bibliography, index. This book can be purchased at the French publisher’s website Abstract Holocaust revisionism is increasingly…

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