Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

Believer Math

David Cole is getting heat from Believer Extremists like    Cole, a Revisionist Apostate, is being smeared as a "Denier" because he is a couple of million short of the sacred figure 6,000,000.   Actually, the 6,000,000 does seem somewhat magical itself.  Originally derived from "actual figures" of Extermination Camp Deaths the number is a…

Memorabilia: Mark Weber speaks on Hitler’s Place in History

The portrayal of Hitler and his regime is GROTESQUELY unbalanced. Not only in the "mass media" but even in the supposedly "authoritative history books" and reference works about that era of history. Mark Weber talks (one hour seven minutes) about Adolf Hitler and the "view" of him by him by "history". Of course, who is telling…

Fritz Berg TV interview on Gas Wagons and more (3 of 3)

Fritz Berg  talks about some of the incoherences on the Holocaust story and particularly the gas wagons that have been claimed to be used to do mass killing. Here, in this video (29 videos) Fritz talks about "gas wagons", "gassing", Diesel gas, and other Communist atrocity stories. Fritz demolishes the claims by the Holocau$t liars.

Memorabilia: Fritz Berg TV interview on Gas Wagons and more (2 of 3)

Fritz Berg  talks about some of the incoherences on the Holocaust story and particularly the gas wagons that have been claimed to be used to do mass killing. Fritz, a Engineer, shows (9 minutes) that Diesel exhaust is a very stupid claim by the Communists, being an absurd killing method. The Communists never bothered with…

Memorabilia: Fritz Berg TV interview on Gas Wagons and more (1 and 2 of 3)

Fritz Berg  talks about some of the incoherences on the Holocaust story and particularly the gas wagons that have been claimed to be used to do mass killing. Fritz talks (56 minutes) candidly about Gas wagons and allied bombing. Fritz looks at "Gas chambers" and other Allied drivel and looks at the situation with bomb…

Mr . Death with Fred Leuchter

The infamous video "Mr. Death" – Fred Leuchter. This is a brilliant video (Three hours and 41 minutes) with Fred Leuchter talking to Goyim TV. Frederick Leuchter was a execution consultant who helped US prisons in executing felons for captial offences. He was experienced at all types of execution, lethal ejection, hanging, gassing and others….

Memorabilia: David Irving – The Biggest Lie

Telling the truth and exposing criminals is neither hatred, anti-semitism nor racism. David Irving is the recognised world's best non-conformist historian exposing the crimes of the 'holocaust industry' (worth 6 billion a year to Israel). Anyone who is entitled to large amounts of cash (and is Jewish) is a 'holocaust survivor'. Anyone who questions the…

Germar Rudolf Holocaust Revisionist Persecution (2 of 2)

Germar Rudolf joins us to share the story of his life’s work as a revisionist researcher and writer and the ostracizing and persecution he has endured for daring to tread into the controversial topic of the German holocaust. In part 1 ( ), Germar goes deeper into exposing free speech hijacking and human dignity suppression that…

Memorabilia:Germar Rudolf Holocaust Revisionist Persecution (1 of 2)

Germar Rudolf joins us to share the story of his life’s work as a revisionist researcher and writer and the ostracizing and persecution he has endured for daring to tread into the controversial topic of the German Holocaust. Germar talks about the process of awakening that led him to question the “official” version of holocaust history…

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