Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

A Personal History of Moral Decay

Introduction What a delight is was to receive a copy of Bradley Smith’s latest book in the old pocket-book size of 7×4 inches, a measure that translates into 18x10cm. It is of 316 pages and made in the USA at San Bernadino, CA on 15 June 2014 by, PO Box 1862, Charleston, WV 25327,…

Dogma, Double Standards, and Doubt

To act is to be committed, and to be committed is to be in danger. —James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time In his autobiography "Break His Bones" Bradley Smith gives us a lively and infuriating review of the Holocaust dogma that has crippled intellectual freedom in the U.S. It should be required reading for every…

A Personal History of Moral Decay

Bradley R. Smith, A Personal History of Moral Decay, Charleston, W.V.: Nine-Banded Books, 2014 “I’m setting out to see the world and make my fortune, just like they did in the old days. I know I’m past the age when these things are normally taken care of, but I’m a slow starter.” In both title…

The Man Who Saw His Own Liver

This post originally appeared on I Read Odd Books Book: The Man Who Saw His Own LiverAuthor: Bradley R. SmithType of Book: Short story collection, semi-autobiographicalWhy Do I Consider This Book Odd: Smith, as a writer, has an interesting writing style and Smith, as a man, is a polarizing figure.Availability: Published by Nine Banded Books…

Michael Shermer Tries to Ban my Book, Demands I Recant!

I’ve known little Mikey Shermer since 1993. I tell many interesting stories about this “skeptic” fraud in my book, Republican Party Animal (available from Amazon, Walmart, and Barnes & Noble in the US, Waterstones and Foyles in the UK, Indigo/Chapters in Canada…but enough self-promotion). Shermy got wind of the fact that I include quite a…

Sensation in France: Professor Faurisson Forces the CRIF (Jewish Lobby) into a Humiliating Retreat

The CRIF (Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France) is the closest thing France has to the United States Jewish lobby’s flagship organization AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee). Early each year, for example, the CRIF summons – more than it invites – to a solemn ceremonial dinner most of the country’s government, starting with…

For Vincent Reynouard

I sincerely hope that the recent appeal by Vincent Reynouard with, at his side, Marie Bruchet, will be heard by all our friends. At the strictly scientific and historical level revisionism has won the match but, on the other hand, at the educational, propaganda and media level we are more and more besieged. To the…

Germar Rudolf, Interview with Jim Rizoli, Nov. 7, 2015

German scientist and publisher Germar Rudolf if most (in)famous for his "Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects of the 'Gas Chambers' of Auschwitz," see at He authored this study in 1991/92 on request of German lawyers, but when it got published in 1993, all hell broke loose for him: Rudolf lost his job…

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