Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

Unfinished Business

Re two unfinished items from Smith's Report: Robert Faurisson has decided to not reply, for the time being in any event, to David Cole's elaborate response to Faurisson's brief letter regarding the necessity for further discussion of the Struthof “gas chamber,” both of which I ran in SR21. At the same time, I was to…

The Christmas Letter

If you received our Christmas letter and thought I looked a little hang-dog in the photo, well … I was taking the photo myself on a ten-second delay. When I set off the process and made a run for my seat next to Paloma I accidentally kicked our dog in the slats and had to…


Hi Gang! Well, I’m back, for the time being anyhow. In the bigger scheme of things of course it’s always for the time being. Eight days ago I received a blood transfusion at the VA. When it was done I felt better. Still do. This week I began working. Getting my affairs in order, thinking…

Vincent Reynouard: 23 Years of Persecution

The chemical engineer and former math teacher Vincent Reynouard is a well-known French figure in the revisionist world. A very close friend and colleague of Professor Robert Faurisson, he calls the current “post-revisionists” Faurisson’s heirs. Born on February 18, 1969, in Boulogne-Billancour to wealthy parents (both his parents were physicians, and his father a mayor…

Irving v. Lipstadt Trial for Movie Theaters, Part I

Alison Thompson and Mark Gooder form Cornerstone Films Ms. Alison ThompsonMr. Mark GooderCornerstone Filmsc/o Sunray Films12 Sunray Avenue Herne HillLondonSE24 9PY[email protected]Tel: +44 (0)758 033 758 Hello Ms. Thompsonand Mr. Gooder I read that your company is handling international sales for a new movie based on Deborah Lipstadt’s book History on Trial: My Day in Court…

David McCalden Archival Materials

In the last issue of SR I asked what you thought about making McCalden's papers available to the public, noting that in his writing he was often wrong and cruel. With the exception of a handful of you, all who responded suggested that the materials should be made available to all those who are doing…

An Open Letter to The Daily Texan

  On Tuesday, January 26th, the Texas Student Board of Operating Trustees rejected an advertisement submitted to The Daily Texan for my video about the Auschwitz concentration camp, "David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper." An article the next day in The Daily Texan gave no reason for the ad's rejection. A former Hillel Foundation board…

Survivors vs. David Irving

Shelly Shapiro is the harridan who directs the Holocaust Survivors & Friends Education Center in Albany, New York. She's led the attack against Boston gas-chamber expert Fred Leuchter, author of The Leuchter Report. Shapiro has worked to destroy Leuchter's livelihood and has tried to get him jailed, ostensibly for practicing his trade “without a license.”…

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