Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

Gerhard Förster

Gerhard Förster Gerhard Förster, a courageous Swiss publisher of revisionist books, died in his sleep during the night of September 22-23, 1998, in a home for the elderly in Baden, northern Switzerland. He was a co-defendant, with Jürgen Graf, in the “Holocaust denial” trial in Switzerland on July 16, 1998 – the most important legal…

Pat Buchanan and the Struggle for Truth in History

In a new book that proves he would rather be right than President, Patrick J. Buchanan has provoked the most heated public discussion about World War II history in many years. In A Republic, Not an Empire: Reclaiming America's Destiny (Regnery), the well-known journalist, commentator and presidential candidate eloquently pleads for a US foreign policy…

Spanish Court Sentences ‘Thought Criminal’

A Spanish court has sentenced Pedro Varela, a Barcelona book dealer, to five years imprisonment for “incitement to racial hatred” and for “denying or justifying genocide.” The sentence, handed down on November 16, 1998, is Spain’s first conviction for “Holocaust denial.” It is based on the country’s 1995 anti-genocide and anti-discrimination law, which effectively creates…

Revisionist Activism in Sweden

Support for historical revisionism has traditionally been strong in northern Europe. Orders for books and tapes arrive regularly at the IHR from Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland – countries where most educated people understand English. And unlike citizens of France, Germany and a few other countries, Scandinavians still enjoy the freedom to express skeptical views…

Polish Authorities Ban BBC Team and David Irving from Auschwitz

Auschwitz State Museum authorities have banned a British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) television team and British historian David Irving from visiting the site of the wartime German concentration camp. In a July 15 letter to Irving, Museum official Krystyna Oleksy wrote: “We must advise you that permission will not be given for you to have any…

Swiss Court Punishes Two Revisionists

Prosecutor Threatens Defense Witness A court in Switzerland has punished 47-year-old teacher Jürgen Graf and 78-year-old retired engineer Gerhard Förster with fines and prison terms for writing or publishing allegedly anti-Jewish books. A district court in the northern Swiss town of Baden on July 21 sentenced Graf, a leading Holocaust revisionist, to 15 months imprisonment…

Dissident German Historian Punished for Revisionist Writings

Since October 1997, German historian Udo Walendy has been serving a prison sentence for publishing dissident historical writings on the Holocaust issue. Two German courts have found him guilty of the crime of “popular incitement” for items that had appeared in several issues of the “Historical Facts” booklet series he edits and publishes. On May…

Important New German-Language Revisionist Quarterly

A major advance for historical revisionism in Europe is the appearance of a new German-language scholarly journal, Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung. Now in its second year of publication, this “Quarterly Journal for Free Historical Research” offers first-rate writing and editing, and a high level of scholarship, presented in an attractively laid out and well-illustrated large-size…

Probing Look at ‘Capital Punishment Industry’ Affirms Expertise of Auschwitz Investigator Leuchter

The Execution Protocol: Inside America’s Capital Punishment Industry, by Stephen Trombley. Hardcover. New York: Crown, 1992. (Softcover. New York: Anchor Books, 1993.) 342 pages. Photographs. Index. When French professor Robert Faurisson and other revisionist skeptics first began asking tough questions about how, precisely, the infamous gas chambers at Auschwitz were built and operated, defenders of…

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