"Peace Treaties"

Treaties to the detriment of third parties, and signed under duress, are, from their very inception, null and void. The Treaties of Versailles and Saint Germain, having been negotiated in the absence of the defeated parties, Germany and Austria, were thereafter presented as a fait accompli to those vanquished nations, still suffering crippling blockades; thus, these “Peace Treaties” were legally speaking null and void from the beginning…

Poland’s Stake in the Holocaust

We reproduce here, with the author’s permission, the preface contained in Carlo Mattogno’s most-recent book Mis-Chronicling Auschwitz (Castle Hill Publishers, Dallastown. Penn., August 2022; see the book announcement in this issue of Inconvenient History). In this book, Mattogno scrutinizes one of the most-important books ever published by the orthodoxy on the infamous Auschwitz Camp: Danuta…

Breaking the Chains of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles is sometimes said to have been the beginning of World War II. The Versailles Treaty crushed Germany beneath a burden of shame and reparations, stole vital German territories, and rendered Germany defenseless against enemies from within and without. Britain’s David Lloyd George warned the treaty makers at Versailles: “If peace is made under these conditions, it will be the source of a new war.”

Book Notices

Edwin Black, War against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, Four Walls Eight Windows, New York 2003, 592 pp., hardcover, $27 War against the Weak is a much-heralded attempt to make the American eugenics movement of the early twentieth century the direct inspiration for Hitler’s euthanasia program, if not the…

Introduction: The King-Crane Commission Report

The King-Crane Commission Report Appendix: The King-Crane Commission Report Map for The King-Crane Commission Report The Vital Significance of the Report That Follows Facts are first. The world is askew today because facts have been concealed or perverted. If in 1918-1919, the world had seen the international situation stripped of all camouflage, with every secret…

King-Crane Commission Report: Confidential Appendix

Introduction: The King-Crane Commission Report The King-Crane Commission Report Map for The King-Crane Commission Report Since the Commission was the American Section of a projected international Commission on Mandates in the Turkish Empire, it has seemed best to prepare the report in such form that copies could be furnished to representatives of all the Allied…

The King-Crane Commission Report, August 28, 1919

Introduction: The King-Crane Commission Report Appendix: The King-Crane Commission Report Map for The King-Crane Commission Report Report of [the] American section of Inter-allied Commission of mandates in Turkey. An official United States government report by the Inter-allied Commission on Mandates in Turkey, American Section I. The Report Upon Syria The American Commissioners of the projected…

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