Holohoax Tales The Haunted Holocaust Museum (11:23 min)
Holohoax Tales The Haunted Holocau$t Museum.
Holocau$t museums are being built all over the world. Recently, the UK government (led by Alexander Boris Johnson, whose Jewish mother died this month) announced they were going to build a "Holocau$t" museum costing over £100 million pounds, 75% to be paid by the British taxpayers to be built on a prime site (a public park) near to the House of Commons.
Here, Larry, a former security guard at the Holoco$t museum in Houston, tells of "hazy shapes" resembling a little girl, which is gazing at a photograph on the wall. This haze was seen in the early hours of the morning. Larry quit his job, the next day, bro. Apparently the museum has a Hitler speech on a loop all day.
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