Institute for Historical Review Bradley Smith Radio Interview on November 9 1987 Bob Lassiter. (41:05 min)
Institute for Historical Review (IHR) Bradley Smith Radio Interview on November 9 1987 Bob Lassiter.
Bradley R Smith of the IHR (founder of CODOH) talks to Bob Lassiter, in 1987 in this (41 minutes) video. Bob is a very hostile interviewer and Brad is subjected to continual interruption. Brad talks to Bob about the "Gas Chambers", "Cremation ovens", "Holocau$t rememberance" (sic) , Brad's policital views (liberal), "Holoco$t" number of victims, "survivor" memories, "eyewitnesses", the Israeli "Yad Yeshem" facility, "race hatred" (sic) towards the Germans, "being bummed" out, David Duke, (a lot about him), freedom of opinion (in the USA), right and wrong, Ellie Wiesel and his fictional book "Night", mass "burnings" of Jews some alive in giant burning pits some jumping in as without force, "shootings", the collapse of the camps, mass bombings of German cities by the USAF, the Jews and "Holocau$t" atrocity liars, Jewish "soap" and so on. Brad was a tower of strenght and interlectually powerful, and easily manages to better Bob.
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