Poison History
Bit by bit the truth, the real history of the twentieth century, comes out. The Ukrainian historian Professor Dr. Michael S. Voslensky, born 1920, an interpreter at the Nuremberg Trials and later for the Allied Control Council for Germany, reveals in a book published in Germany that before WW2 the Soviet Union experimented with gas chambers and gas-trucks to liquidate their enemies.
The inventor of the gas trucks, which went into service in 1936, was a certain Berg, head of the Moscow economic division of Stalin's secret police the NKVD, forerunner of the KGB. Berg was himself liquidated in 1939 during a purge of NKVD officials alleged to be plotting against the state, in a thinly disguised display of Stalin's antisemitism.
[Editor: Here it is: Michael S. Voslensky, Das Geheime wird offenbar. Moskauer Archive erzählen, Langen Müller, Munich 1995 pp. 28f.:
“Und noch ein letztes Detail. Während des Zweiten Weltkrieges waren die Menschen in der Sowjetunion empört, als sie erfuhren, daß die deutschen Sicherheitsorgane umgebaute Lastkraftwagen benutzten, um Menschen durch Auspuffgase zu töten. In der sowjetischen Presse wurden diese Vergasungsautos 'Seelenverkäufer' genannt. Sie waren wirklich eine teuflische Erfindung, und ihre Erfinder waren Verbrecher. Nur war das keine deutsche Erfindung, sondern eine sowjetische. In der UdSSR wurde ein Lastkraftwagen konstruiert, bei dem die Auspuffgase durch ein Rohr in den geschlossenen Wagenkasten geleitet wurden. Der Erfinder war ein gewisser Berg, Leiter der Wirtschaftsabteilung des NKWD für Moskau und das Gebiet um Moskau. Man begann lange vor dem Krieg – im Jahre 1936 – damit, die Erfindung Bergs anzuwenden. Berg selbst wurde im Jahre 1939 als Teilnehmer einer angeblichen 'Verschwörung von NKWD-Mitarbeitern gegen die Staatsführung' hingerichtet.16 Das Komplott war selbstverständlich eine Erfindung. Trotzdem wird der Leser kaum Mitleid mit Berg haben können.”
“And one final detail. During World War Two the people in the Soviet Union were indignant when they learned that the German security services used modified vans to kill people with exhaust gases. In the Soviet media these gas vehicles were called ‘soul vendors.’ They really were a diabolic invention, and their inventors were criminals. Only it wasn’t a German but a Soviet invention. In the USSR a truck was constructed, whose exhaust gases were piped into the enclosed coachwork box. The inventor was a certain Berg, head of the economic department of the NKVD for Moscow and the area around Moscow. Long before the war – in 1936 – one began to use Berg’s invention. Berg himself was executed in 1939 as a participant in an alleged ‘conspiracy of NKVD members against the leadership of the State.’ Of course this plot was a fabrication. Nevertheless the reader will hardly be able to feel pity for Berg.”]
Voslensky's most chilling revelation in his 544-page book, Das Geheime wird offenbar. Moskauer Archive erzaehlen (Secrets Laid Bare. Moscow's Archives Speak Out), is that in the KGB's notorious Lefortovo prison there was an outsized meat grinder in which the bodies of victims were ground to a pulp and sluiced into the city's sewers.
[David Irving, researching in Budapest for his book on the 1956 anti-Communist uprising, learned that there was an identical machine in the Hungarian secret police headquarters, run by the hated AVH – the secret police organization perceived by the Hungarian people as being largely Jewish-officered. The machine was referred to in CIA interrogations of the uprising's surviviors, made available to Mr. Irving.]
Voslensky also reports that there was a Soviet secret laboratory in Moscow for producing special poisons. This was directed by Dr. Grigorii Moiseievich Mayeranowski, who conducted lethal experiments in the forties and fifties on the liquidation of human beings with Zyklon-B, hydrogen cyanide pellets. Scientists observed the effect of the poison through peepholes. For his chief, the notorious secret police boss Beria, Dr. Mayeranowski also developed lethal umbrellas and other instruments of death, and experimented with anthrax poisons.
[Mayeranowski's work is also described in the standard work, The KGB's Secret Laboratory. Spectres of Varanoviev Alley, by Colonel Vladimir Bobrenyov, of the Moscow military attorney-general's office. [Editor's remark: This book doesn't seem to exist; but see instead: Boris Volodarsky, The KGB's Poison Factory: From Lenin to Litvinenko, London: Frontline Books, 2009; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poison_laboratory_of_the_Soviet_secret_services]
Like Berg, Mayeranowski's religion was his downfall. Accused of being a Jewish nationalist, he was thrown into prison in the fifties; he worked as director of a biochemical laboratory until his death in 1964.
Why has there been no international outcry for the prosecution of these criminals? Their crimes were no less heinous than those of Eichmann and Mengele.
Source: David Irving's Action Report, October 1, 1995 Update AR #9.
Bibliographic information about this document: Action Report, Update AR #9, October 1, 1995
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