- Recent issues of Vierteljahreshefte fuer freie Geschichtsforschung (Quarterly for Free Historical Research), the Belgian-published, German-language revisionist review that shines as one of the world's best, contain various articles under CODOH bylines: Samuel Crowell, on the technique and operation of German air-raid shelters during WWII (including his devastating critique of the Majdanek door offered as the sole tangible evidence for Nazi gassing by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum (as featured in SR 46); Richard Widmann on 1984 trends operative in 1998 against freedom of expression for revisionists; and Bradley Smith, in a gist of last November's (SR 48) front-page article on ADL's “honoring” of CODOHWeb (as the pre-eminent revisionist Website). The editor and guiding spirit of VffG is Germar Rudolf, the brilliant German chemist and historical researcher currently in exile for violating Germany's laws decreeing robot-like adherence to the authenticity of the Holocaust dogma.
[Stiftung Vrij Historisch Onderzoek, Postbus 60, B-2600 Berchem 2, Belgien (Flandem)] - The latest issue (March/April 1998) of the Journal of Historical Review includes an account of nearly two decades of cordial correspondence between Father Robert Graham, S.J., the Vatican's late expert on WWII papal policy toward the Jews, and Arthur Butz, that holds explosive implications for the debate over Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust The issue also includes a previously unpublished article on Oswald Spengler by late JHR editor Keith Stimely; essays by Robert Faurisson and JHR editor Mark Weber on the jousts of France's most charismatic politician, National Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, with the gas chambers and with France's law against denying or “minimizing” them; and other articles and reviews of interest. JHR, P.O. Box 2739, Newport Beach, CA 92659.
- The Libertarian Alliance for Life, Liberty, and Property has issued an excellent pamphlet that not only defends freedom of expression for revisionists, Holocaust and otherwise, but offers in its twenty-three pages a comparative wealth of information on revisionist historiography and on anti-revisionist measures over the past several decades. Freedom of Expression, Dissenting Historians, and the Holocaust Revisionists, by David Botsford, is both pleasurable and informative reading for the seasoned revisionist and the novice alike, for Americans as well as Britons. “Revisionist libertarian” Bradley Smith receives generous notice. [Libertarian Alliance, 25 Chapters Chambers, Esterbrooke Street, London SW1P 4NN.]
- Pamphlets such as the above are not written in a vacuum, unfortunately, in England. On May 1, in the country in which the fight for freedom of the press began, “racial/nationalist” and revisionist Nick Griffin was sentenced to nine months jail (suspended) and to a fine of 2,300 pounds. Griffin had violated the 1986 Public Order Act by publishing allegedly hateful images and utterances, including statements which cast aspersions on the Big H. Robert Faurisson's vigorous testimony on Griffin's behalf is reported to have impressed the judges, but to no avail.
- Ingrid Rimland, who runs the Zuendel(Web)site and writes and disseminates, via email, revisionism's only daily (!) commentary, the Zgram, reports that Canadian Customs has seized and confiscated quantities of her three-volume fictional epic, Lebensraum! (reviewed in last month's SR). Canadian authorities have been for years, and continue to be, repellent to freeminded Americans and Canadians for their habit of grabbing any of hundreds of titles that Canadian censors (with generous help from Jewish groups) deem unsuitable for their Canadian citizen-charges. This takes the cake, though: an award-winning novelist's fictional testimonial to her own people, one small but solid chip of inspiration and truth, unadvertised, unplugged, against the flood of German-hating celluloid and wood pulp that has spewed out for decades and continues to spew out—Lebensraum! snared at the border! If only some of Canada's hockey teams had goalies that good…
- Michael Hoffman II, who has made a name for himself over the years for his abilities as a revisionist journalist, historian, and activist, combined aspects of all three when he sallied forth to protest against a “National Hate Symposium” organized by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, held at the (Jesuit) Gonzaga University, in Spokane, Washington, on May 21. After firing off press releases, Hoffman showed up on site with hundreds of copies of his own leaflet, The Simon Wiesenthal Center Seeks Censorship and Jailing of All Dissenters from Zionist Dogma, and his own placard, “Wiesenthal Hates the First Amendment.” Hoffman got at least one press interview, handed out hundreds of leaflets; befriended university security; lectured a group of visiting high school students on the SWC's threat to freedom on the Internet; and vanquished, in civilized discussion, attendees of the “symposium.” As is clear from the former Associated Press reporter's write-up in his Internet “Hoffman Wire,” revisionist protest can be fun—and even therapeutic. []
Bibliographic information about this document: Smith's Report, no. 55, June 1998, pp. 5f.
Other contributors to this document: n/a
Editor’s comments: n/a