Archive of Posts

Outlaw History #21

The below letter by Guillaume Fabien (Trieste, Italy) was preceded by this note: The big picture is this: the commercial enterprise called USA went bust after October 1929. It found its new start twelve years later under a new structure: a permanent war economy (a military keynesianism). The destruction or neutralising of much of the…

Outlaw History #22

Hi Bradley. I'll offer my thought on the following comment as revealed in your current (#21) newsletter: “I am always dismayed by expressions of fascist romanticism. How it can be argued that fascism was an essential factor for European liberation and salvation (what's that?) when it failed so miserably, in plain sight, everywhere, is beyond…

Outlaw History #23

This is the week that whoever is in charge of such things decided to make the earth tremble, and the sea to rise, and for great tsunamis to swamp several tens of thousands of unsuspecting people in various countries in Southeast Asia. The television screens are full of it. It's horrific. A great catastrophe. There…

Outlaw History #24

In issue 24 of Outlaw History newsletter you write: “As I have observed before, it is the concept of the unique monstrosity of the Germans that played such a large role in morally justifying the creation of a Jewish state on Palestinian land. An island of Jews in a sea of Arabs. Now there's a…

Outlaw History #25

It's good to see you are up and running again and have all these new sites. At the same time I think your mission has largely been accomplished, and if revisionism is in a lull these days there's a good reason for it: the revisionists have won. Before I get into that I have to…

Outlaw History #26

I disagree with all these people who see gloom and doom for revisionism. The ONLY thing that's positive in the world today is that people like Bush have no credibility anymore, at least outside the US. The whole world realizes, now, at long last, that the Americans lie, that they commit atrocities, that the world…

Outlaw History #27

The young prince Harry showed up at a party this week wearing a sand-colored shirt reminiscent of “Desert Fox” Erwin Rommel (Hitler's favorite general) – with a Nazi Wehrmacht emblem on the collar, and a Nazi armband with swastika. What was he thinking? He probably wasn't thinking. The boy just wanted to have fun. Prince…

Outlaw History #28

Prince Harry is going to be punished for renting, then wearing, a German Nazi uniform to a party. The London Times reports that no authority figure was present to remonstrate with Harry about his choice of costume. Harry did what regular blokes do. He chose the costume he thought would be most amusing to the…

Outlaw History #29

Michael Howard, the recently enthroned leader of all the Tories in Great Britain, and the leading candidate to replace Tony Blair as the leader of all the British people, is demanding that young Prince Harry apologize fully, and even fulsomely, to everyone everywhere for wearing a German military costume to a costume party. Mr. Michael…

Outlaw History #30

I don't quite recall using the phrase “sea of filth and lies” (Outlaw History #23). It was Reinhold Elstner who spoke of a “Niagara of filth and lies” before he burned himself to death at the Feldherrnhalle in Munich in April 1995. I wrote a protest letter to the Mayor of Munich for arresting people…

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