Archive of Posts

The Hoax of the Twentieth Century

On 545 pages of penetrating study and lucid commentary, Dr. Butz gives the reader a graduate course on the subject of the Jews of World War Two Europe. One main focus is on Auschwitz, which during WWII was a strategically important location of German petrochemistry. Information about this location had been available to the Allies…

The Leuchter Reports

The “Holocaust” is often characterized as the greatest crime in the history of mankind. Yet for 44 years not a single forensic investigation into this alleged crime has ever been undertaken. This changed in 1988, when Fred A. Leuchter, at that time the only U.S. expert for execution technologies, was asked by German-Canadian Ernst Zündel…

The Real Case for Auschwitz

In 1993 Jewish theologian Deborah Lipstadt called British historian David Irving a “Holocaust denier.” Irving sued her for libel in return. Subsequently a court case unfolded in England which attracted the attention of the world’s mass media in 2000. The sharpest weapon in Lipstadt’s defense arsenal was Jewish art historian Robert van Pelt, who presented…

International Lawfare in Defense of Holocaust Orthodoxy

There is a global network of lawyers and judges coordinated from offices in Tel Aviv devoted to the advancement, in their respective countries, of the interests of the state of Israel—by the agency of their countries’ legal systems. Called the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists (or IAJLJ), it reprises the much-reviled National Socialists…

Smith’s Report, no. 177

The Phenomenon of Holocaust Denial:The New Challenge for Us All! By Bradley Smith It makes you wonder. Today, throughout the Western world, scholarly revisionist arguments regarding the Holocaust question are being developed by maybe half a dozen individuals working out of their homes or here and there from a small office. That’s it. You can…

Smith’s Report, no. 178

The Morgenthau Plan in the Holocaust Myth How the Psychological Warfare Department promoted Germande-industrialization with a “factory of death” motif By Dean Hierbud The Morgenthau Plan significantly influenced the content of the holocaust myth. This article explains how and why, and gives six examples. At the end of WWII in Europe, the Allied Psychological Warfare…

Smith’s Report, no. 179

UNESCO Symposium and Conference on Freedom of Expression “UNESCO promotes freedom of expression and freedom of the press as a basic human right, through sensitization and monitoring activities. It also fosters media independence and pluralism as prerequisites and major factors of democratization by providing advisory services on media legislation and sensitizing governments, parliamentarians and other…

Smith’s Report, no. 180

FROM LADY GAGA TO SAIGON AND BACK AGAIN By Bradley Smith for YouTube These are the notes for my You-Tube video uploaded onto the Internet on 08 February. Today I'm reminded of a Jackie Gleason sketch I saw only last night on the television from 1957. And I know—glamour photos are not usually associated with…

Smith’s Report, no. 181

WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT? IS IT THEM? OR IS IT US? Or is it…? Bradley R. Smith Almost all of us have strong opinions about who the responsible parties are for having created and forwarded the scams about German homicidal gaschambers, Germans skinning murdered Jews to make lampshades and riding breeches from their hides,…

Smith’s Report, no. 182

The Savage, the Academic, and the Brainwashed By Bradley Smith One afternoon I was on the Michael Savage website, I don't remember exactly why, when I found a YouTube video that appeared to work with the Holocaust a bit. I clicked onto the video and was startled to hear a sudden, high-volume shouting exhibition by…

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