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Interview with a Holocaust Heretic: Georges M. Theil (2007)

Introduction In June of this year I first became aware of the persecution of French revisionist author and scholar Georges M. Theil through an Internet email notification. Theil was facing hefty financial penalties and even prison time for having written a slender autobiographical work in 2002. I began a personal correspondence with Theil and obtained…

For the Benefit of Judy Cohen

Based upon all that has been written about her, a reasonable individual might best describe Judy Cohen as a 78 year old “Holocaust activist,” a mother of two, a feminist, a Zionist apologist and a survivor of two Nazi concentration camps: Auschwitz-Birkenau in the east, and Bergen-Belsen in the west. According to information obtained through…

Germar Rudolf sentenced to 30 months in prison

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Leading revisionist scholar Germar Rudolf, best known for his Rudolf Report: Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects of the 'Gas Chambers' of Auschwitz, has been sentenced to 30 months imprisonment by a court in Mannheim, Germany. Rudolf, who is married to an American citizen, was…

Ernst Zündel: sentenced to 5 Years in Germany

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Revisionist activist, publisher and author Ernst Zündel was convicted of 14 counts of incitement for Holocaust “denial” and sentenced to five years imprisonment in Germany. The charges stem from his running a small publishing house, Samisdat Publishers and his alleged running of the popular and embattled…

Smith’s Report, no. 135

The “Battle for the Campus” Goes to Teheran Bradley Smith The “Holocaust” Conference in Tehran was significant for three primary reasons, in my view. In the first place, the fact that it happened and that it was sponsored by the foreign ministry of a Nation State. Secondly, because the State that sponsored it is “evil,”…

The Holocaust as Sacred Myth and Ideology

I. The Specter A specter is haunting Western Civilization. It is the specter of Holocaust revisionism. The power elites of Europe, the United States and beyond have entered into holy alliance to exorcise this specter: Pope and US President, British and Canadian Prime Minister, French and Russian Foreign Ministers, German Chancellor and Justice Minister, international…

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