Archive of Posts

Israel’s Diminishing Options

The recent spate of suicide bombings in Israel has created ferment among those writers who labor under the conceit that nations take direction as a result of their scribbling. The cacophonous chorus of jeremiad journalists, mostly found in the pages of the Washington Post, and with the honorable exception of Richard Cohen, has been to…

It’s the Water, Stupid

In recent days, since the horrible pizzeria bombing in Jerusalem, in which 15 Jews were murdered, dozens more injured, and one deluded Palestinian, there has been a rising chorus among American journalists that Israel must retaliate in a drastic manner to put an end to these crazy suicide bombings by West Bank Palestinians. The usual…

The Chilean Document

According to recent press reports, a newly declassified government document shows “U.S. intelligence officials knew about Nazi Germany's plan to eradicate the Jews early in World War II.” The document at the center of this revelation is a Chilean diplomatic document dated Nov. 24, 1941 and obtained by the U.S. by the third week of…

The Holocaust Happened

In January 2004, yet another memorial is due to open to commemorate the Holocaust. This memorial, a huge abstract affair, is to be constructed near Berlin's famous historic landmark, the Brandenburg Gate. Although 50 million marks have been promised by the German government to cover the building costs of the memorial, an organization called the…

Toro! Toro! Toro!

No, this is not a what-if scenario exploring the outcome of Mexico or Spain attacking Pearl Harbor. Rather, it is an example of what is produced when the illogical grow frustrated and take a penultimate defensive stand, which is to fall back on ridicule. (The ultimate is plain old ugly invective.) An early tactic, if…

The Greatest Adventure of Our Time: Holocaust Revisionism

I. How “Western Democracies” Fight Revisionism Ladies and gentlemen, right now, in Switzerland, since the 16th of January 2003, an 82-year old man in poor health, is being imprisoned for three months. In April of 2000, he was sentenced to one year imprisonment, but the appellate court lowered his punishment. His crime: In self-published writings…

Forked Tongues

“We are the shoes, we are the last witnesses.”—caption attached to a photo of a heap of shoes by U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (See: It should come as no surprise to anyone over the age of twelve with an average intelligence that governments lie. Not just other governments, but the government that collects taxes…

Holocaust Revisionism vs. Richard Evans

Lying About Hitler: History, Holocaust, and the David Irving Trials, Richard J. Evans, New York, 2001 As most visitors to this site already know, from January to April 2000 the high-profile libel case brought by British historian David Irving against Jewish American historian Deborah Lipstadt and her publisher, Penguin Books, was tried in the British…

Le Pen’s Notorious “Detail” Remark About World War II

Jean-Marie Le Pen, leader of France's National Front party, stunned the world on April 21, when he came in second in the French presidential race, to challenge the incumbent Jacques Chirac in the May 5 runoff election. Press coverage of the veteran nationalist political figure has been more than unfriendly; he has been maligned with…

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