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How can this photograph be reconciled with revisionist theory on the Holocaust?

How can this photograph be reconciled with revisionist theory on the Holocaust? Two victims of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Photo was taken shortly after the liberation by U.S. troops. Date: April 14, 1945Location: Buchenwald,Credit: USHMM, courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration, College ParkCopyright: Public Domain The photograph above taken shortly after the liberation of…

The Dictionary of Neo-Paleo Deholocaustolithification, Revised

Inspired by the incredible verbal dances of the past half century in support of the insupportable. Includes the never before compiled self-evident- Evil-Nazi-Ordinary-Blonde-Beasts'-Secret-Code-Words of WWII legend. de-ho-lo-caust-o-lith-i-fi-ca-tion – n. The art of comparing and making a point about whopping big infallible Holocaust facts that were once written in stone to different infallible Holocaust facts that…

Dr. Fredrick Töben imprisoned in “Democratic” Germany

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Dr. Fredrick Töben, Director of the Adelaide Institute was arrested and imprisoned in Mannheim, Germany on Thursday, April 8, 1999 on the charge of “defaming the memory of the dead.” Current German law allows for the suppression of freedom of speech. Dr. Töben was arrested after…

Dr . Fredrick Töben of Adelaide, Australia, arrested in Germany

Dr. Fredrick Töben, Director of Australia's Adelaide Institute, who organized the successful 1998 revisionist conference there, was arrested in Germany on 8 April 1999, on a charge of “defaming the memory of the dead”. He was sent to Mannheim Prison. Töben was on a research visit, mainly in Eastern Europe. His activities are described at…

Response to J. McCarthy on NO-365, The Wetzel-Lohse Correspondence

February 7, 1999 Dear CODOH: Thank you for forwarding to me the response to my analysis of the Wetzel-Lohse correspondence in “The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes” as found on The Holocaust-History Project. I would make the following comments. The author of the piece accuses me of many errors, and furthermore, claims that these are…

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