Archive of Posts

Censorship is Not an Answer

The ad ran on 16 September [1998] in The Advance Titan [AT] and was followed by a flap that took its staff rather by surprise. On the 23rd the AT printed negative letters by ten professors. There was no objective information for students in any of the letters, though there was a good deal to…

Georgia State University’s “The Signal” ran CODOH ad

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution ran an article (15 Sept.) headlined: “Ad sparks annual controversy.” The story reports on the first reactions to the ad having run at GSU. Written by Ernie Suggs, it reports that the ad challenges the ADL to a national televised debate “on such issues as whether gas chambers were used to exterminate…

The PC in your mailbox

When you drop an envelope in a red pillar-box, you walk away confident that your mail will not be read by anyone except the addressee. However, when you send an email, it might be wise to reflect on the differences. According to the organisation Internet Freedom, an agreement being negotiated between the UK's internet service…

CODOH’s $250,000 Offer

Details for Entrants The Offer: CODOH will award $250,000 cash to the one individual instrumental in arranging a 90-minute debate on National Network Television, in prime time, between three members of CODOH (Bradley R. Smith, Dir.) and three members of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. One individual: CODOH will award the benefits of the…

There is no Liberty without Free Speech and Open Debate: $250,000 Offer

“…the fanatic hides from true debate… He knows how to speak in monologues only, so debate is superfluous to him.”—Elie Wiesel $250,000 Offer Every historical controversy can be debated on national television except one–the Jewish holocaust story. Why? Who benefits? Open debate, nothing else, will expose the facts behind this taboo. To this end Committee…

Auschwitz in the Shadow of the Cross

A rather remarkable international incident occurred in 1984 which would draw into question the entire issue of Auschwitz and victimization as the attention of the world became riveted on Poland, when a group of Carmelite nuns announced their decision to construct a convent on the grounds of the former concentration camp. The area chosen for…

When Is a Tree Not a Tree?

This piece illustrates something with startling clarity, a something that is often lost in the vulgar and vicious rhetoric which any hint of holocaust revisionism seems to attract. Which is that the attackers aren't just being nasty, they are responding as any human might if their cultural legacy were one of more than 2,000 years…

‘Political Correctness’ in Germany

Claus Nordbruch is the author of two books on freedom of expression in today’s Germany: Sind Gedanken noch frei? Zensur in Deutschland (“Still Free to Think?: Censorship in Germany”), published in 1998 by Universitas (Munich), and Der Vefassungsschutz: Organisation, Spitzel, Skandale (Tübingen: Hohenrain, 1999). Dr. Nordbruch lives in Pretoria, South Africa. This essay is translated…

Comments on the Recent Excavations at Belzec, 30/07/1998

Gentlemen: The communication that follows below has appeared on the Nizkor Internet site and consists of a note (hereinafter referred to as R2) from a participant (Robin O'Neil, University College London) in the recent dig at the site of the Belzec concentration camp, as well as a further note from a German student requesting information….

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