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The three lines of Arabic poetry are by the well-known poet Ahmad Shawqi. Shawqi was exiled by then British occupation of Egypt, and he wrote the poem while in exile. The three lines in rough meaning: Would the trees where nightingales are known to sit and sing be a forbidden luxury for them while all…

Gas Chambers at Dachau?

Dear AnswerMan, I understand that it is now conceded by the Promoters that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Dachau although that information hasn't made it to all concerned. John Cardinal O'Connor of New York has recently spoken about “seeing” the gas chambers at Dachau, I'm sorry to say. I expect that he is…


Dear AnswerMan, The original Soviet anti-capitalist propaganda portrayed Auschwitz as a perfect capitalist Hell-a place where non-productive people were killed and workers were literally worked to death. Revisionist research has proven that Auschwitz Camp was actually a hugely expensive venture for the Germans. For most of its operation less than 15% of the inmates of…

Helicopters at Treblinka?

Dear AnswerMan, Both the 1971 and the 1996 edition of Michael Elkins' book *Forged in Fury* include a passage that describes the aftermath of the Aug. 2, 1943 uprising at the Treblinka concentration camp in Poland. Both editions describe the hunt for the Treblinka escapees—its Jewish inmates—in these terms: “For four days, the Germans prowled…

Hit the Road Before It Hits You

“Think of the internet as a highway.” — There it is again. Some clueless fool talking about the “Information Superhighway.” They don't know didley about the Net. It's nothing like a superhighway. That's a rotten metaphor. Suppose the metaphor ran in the other direction. Suppose the highways were like the Net… A highway hundreds of…

How could you advocate free speech to deny the Holocaust?

Dear AnswerMan, With Germany's historical record, how can you advocate free speech to deny the Holocaust? Isn't Germany merely preventing another Holocaust from happening? [Name Withheld upon request] AnswerMan Replies: There is no doubt that Germany and Austria have their laws in place because they fear, if not another Holocaust, then at least another period…

How did the Holocaust affect our current view of Germany?

Dear AnswerMan, How did the holocaust affect the way people look at Germany today? Abigail AnswerMan Replies: Germany is frequently viewed from a perspective that includes images (mental or otherwise) of the Nazis and the Holocaust. One way to demonstrate this is to consider motion pictures that have come out over the past decade. While…

How did the piles of personal effects get at Auschwitz?

Dear AnswerMan, How did the museum at Auschwitz I amass tons of human hair, dentures, toothbrushes, artificial limbs, cans of Zycon(sic) gas and other tragic “momentos” of the camps? Pauline Friedman AnswerMan Replies: At the end of the war, and to this day piles of—what in any other context would be considered trash—has been presented…

How much of Nizkor’s material is truth?

Dear AnswerMan, The Nizkor Project has been well-known by all pro-holocaust theorists as the primary source of “truthful” information, mainly for his (OBC Kenneth McVay's) “sharp” refutation against the IHR, and is praised by Jews and/or holocaust theorists for trying to “eradicate hatred from the internet”… I've read over a lot of his material, but…

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