Archive of Posts

What I Believe, What I Don't, and Why

I understand perfectly well that the Hitlerian regime was anti-Semitic and persecuted Jews and others. I understand many peoples, European Jews among them, experienced unfathomable tragedies in Europe during World War II. Nevertheless, I no longer believe the German State pursued a plan to kill all Jews or used homicidal “gassing chambers” for mass murder….

The Holocaust: denial and memory

They caught Eichmann.” My mother flew into the kitchen, hissing an epithet through tight lips—a mixed curse and hosanna that reverberated against the knotty Dine walls. I was sitting at the kitchen table with our neighbor and my mother's best friend Audrey, who gasped in response. The Israeli government had just announced that twelve days…

Global Internet Liberty Campaign: Open letter to German Chancellor H. Kohl

April 23, 1997 Chancellor Helmut KohlAdenauerallee 14153113 BonnGERMANY Dear Chancellor Kohl, The undersigned organizations, members of the Global Internet Liberty Campaign, are writing to express concern about the prosecution of Felix Somm, German representative of CompuServe, for the transmission of allegedly illegal materials over the Internet. The news reports we have received indicate that Mr….

Media Madness

Media Madness will be the record of what I do to help create an open debate about the Jewish Holocaust story on university and college campuses, together with media reaction to this diabolical plan. In this context, media includes the print press on and off campus, electronic media on and off campus, and the Internet….

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