Archive of Posts

Gnawing at history: the rhetoric of Holocaust denial

In the late nineteen-eighties considerable popular attention began to be focused on a small group of anti-Semites who denied that the Holocaust ever existed. These writers called themselves “Revisionist” historians. Deborah Lipstadt, in her comprehensive study of these writers, takes issue with the very title “Revisionist,” and prefers, rightly, to call these people Holocaust deniers:…

The Torah True Jews have no part in the affair against the Swiss

According to the Torah, we must declare that the true Jews are opposed to these rebelling acts: requests from, investigations of, accusations and claims against Switzerland (banks, government, institutions) or any nation. We will not take any money or assets resulting therefrom. For sure we are opposed to the boycott threats, coercive tactics, insults and…

Remembering the Martyrs of Romania

Good Morning from the Zundelsite! Every once in a while, I get reports from comrades in other countries, speaking with respect and admiration of the quiet but persistent work of a group of nationalist Romanians. I know that, on occasion, some of my ZGrams were translated and reprinted there, and one young man is sending…

Deaths in German Concentration Camps

The aim of this section is to present some numerical data pertaining to those “ordinary” deaths in German concentration camps of a sort that are not contested. That is to say, deaths which were documented by the Germans, even if some of those documents are now missing. The “Holocaust” allegation is that the millions “exterminated”…

Revisionism: A Report from France

Everybody knows revisionism is an abomination. But it exists and it persists. Moral and penal condemnations, vigilance committees, even the laws of the State, nothing works: for the last twenty years, revisionism has not stopped growing. A recent poll shows that 30% of the people in France are ready to accept its basic tenets. They…

Fight Nazi Holocaust Denial Online & Offline, Author Urges

How big a danger are neo-Nazis and deniers of the holocaust, whether they spread their messages online as they increasingly do, or by more traditional means? They are not “a clear and present danger,” according to the author of a book on holocaust denial, but they are “a clear and future danger” and the time…

Heirs: The Third Generation

LINCOLNWOOD, Ill., Sept. 2 /PRNewswire/ — Much has been written and researched about the Survivors of the Holocaust and the children of Survivors of the Holocaust. But what about the next generation — the grandchildren? Up until now, nothing has focused on grandchildren of Survivors of the Holocaust. Why? Some might say it is because…

CODOH Makes a $100,000 Offer

[This ad is no longer valid nor in effect] A CODOH benefactor is willing to offer $100,000 to one individual who performs a certain valuable achievement to promote CODOH and revisionism in national media. Our benefactor has suggested a specific (and very challenging) achievement to be accomplished in order to receive the $100,000, but has…

The Committee for Open Discussion of the Holocaust Story (CODOH) offers $100,000!

The Committee for Open Discussion of the Holocaust Story (CODOH) offers $100,000.00 to the one individual instrumental in arranging a 90-minute presentation on National Network Television, in prime time, of the “Video of the Century,” our documentary on Auschwitz, David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper This authentic documentary, not a Hollywood movie, written and directed…

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