Month: July 2012

Simon Wiesenthal Screws the “Los Angeles Herald Examiner”

On 4 March 1984 the Herald Examiner published a lengthy interview with Simon Wiesenthal by staff writer Steven Dougherty. Here you will find all the evasions of professional responsiblity and good sense that is typical of the press when it treats with the “Holocaust” and its spokesmen. In this interview, Wiesenthal told Dougherty what he…

Simon Wiesenthal Screws Polish Survivor and Maybe about 1100 Other “War Criminals”

Dougherty writes that Simon Wiesenthal is responsible for bringing Adolph Eichmann and “some 1,100 other Nazi war criminals to justice,” as if the statement were a proven fact. Of the 1,100, Wiesenthal is stated as saying, “only three confessed to their crimes.” The implication being that while only “three confessed,” the other 1,097 or so…

Simon Wiesenthal Screws “Life Magazine” and Three Young Germans

In 1946 IBIS VERLAG of Linz and Vienna, Austria, published a book put together by Simon Wiesenthal titled KZ Mauthausen, which allegedly describes how it was to be interned in Mauthausen concentration camp. On page 64 of KZ Mauthausen there is a reproduction of a drawing signed by “S. Wiesenthal” depicting three camp prisoners, dressed…

Psychotic Blood Fantasies Plague Holocaust Cultist Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Boston University, recipient of honorary degrees from universities scattered across North America and Israel and “spokesman for Jews in the United States and throughout the world.” Nevertheless, I propose that it is self­evident that this man is not wrapped too tight. For example,…

Outlaw History #40

I've been thinking (and no – that's not a straight line). The problem with the thinking is that I have been doing it alone. I don't have to do all the thinking here, but after close to three weeks of doing it alone, it has occurred to me that I should do that part of…

Outlaw History #39

In a recent TV “Memo” on Ward Churchill, Bill O'Reilly quoted Churchill as writing that Jewish scholars stress the Jewish Holocaust story in order to “construct a conceptual screen behind which to hide the realities of Israel's ongoing genocide against the Palestinian population.” When I read that, I wonder: “Yes, Billy? And your point?” It…

Outlaw History #38

Last night I was at the local cultural center, a cigar store on the Boulevard downtown, and the question came up about the Pope's hospitalization. There is a rumor going about in Mexican intellectual circles that the Pope is not sick, but was hospitalized by his cardinals so that he does not have to receive…

Outlaw History #37

I agree with Ward Churchill when he observes that “we cannot allow the U.S. government, acting in our name, to engage in massive violations of international law and fundamental human rights and not expect to reap the consequences.” I agree with this statement, and with almost everything else Churchill says about 9/11. He is right…

Outlaw History #36

Professor Ward Churchill, a product of the academic left, whose area of expertise is social activism on behalf of American Indian rights, committed a thought crime following the 9/11 Islamist attack on New York City and the Pentagon. He wrote that the victims (the victims!) of the World Trade Towers were “little Eichmanns.” That is…

Outlaw History #35

The other night I discovered that The Snows of Kilimanjaro with Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner was going to show on the television. I had seen the movie when it first came out. I was pleased to the point of excitement at the prospect of seeing it again. I have read Hemmingway's Kilimanjaro itself two…

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