Month: April 2013

Peenemünde and Los Alamos: Two Studies

Abstract The Second World War produced two great and memorable scientific and technological teams: the German Peenemünde rocket team under the direction of Dr. Wernher von Braun, and the American Los Alamos atomic bomb team under the direction of Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer. Taken together, the contributions of these teams created the post-war capability for…

United States Aid to Israel Now Exceeds $90 Billion

Richard H. Curtiss is executive editor of The Washington Report from Middle East Affairs (P.O. Box 53062, Washington, DC 20009). When he retired from the US foreign service, he was chiefinspector of the US Information Agency. Curtiss is also the author of A Changing Image: American Perspectives of the Arab-Israeli Dispute and Stealth PACs: Lobbying…

Children told to attack Germans

Click to enlarge Children told to attack Germans By Paul Peachey TO THE German school party stoned and accused of Nazism during a visit to Britain, the promise of a “warm and friendly” Cornish welcome rang a little hollow. Their trip to one of the county's best knovm landmarks, St Michael's Mount, ended in confrontation…

What Happened to the Jews Who Were Deported to Auschwitz But Were Not Registered There?

Jürgen Graf 1. Introduction Jürgen Graf, born in 1951, is a Swiss educator who makes his home near Basel. A researcher with an impressive command of languages, he is also the author of several books. His “Holocaust on the Test Stand” book has appeared in German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Bulgarian, Italian, Russian and Arabic editions….

The Irving Trial, “Human Rights” Double Standard, and Jewish-Zionist Arrogance

Doug Collins The Irving Trial Having been out of the country when the Irving-Lipstadt libel trial verdict came down [April 11] and for some time thereafter I was not able to write anything about it. I was in Jerusalem, where our tour guide did not fail to mention the Holocaust and the six million Jews….

Made-for-TV Movie More Fair than the “War Crimes” Trial It Depicts

““Nuremberg”” (television drama miniseries). Based on the book Nuremberg: Infamy on Trial, by Joseph E. Persico. Screenplay by David Rintels. Produced by Alec Baldwin, Jon Cornick, Gerry Abrams, Suzanne Girard, and Peter Sussman. Directed by Yves Simoneau. Turner Network Television (TNT). Actual running time: 180 minutes (four hours with commercials, in two parts). First segment…


Thoughts on the Irving-Lipstadt Trial Your analysis of Judge Gray's decision in the Irving-Lipstadt trial [March-April 2000 Journal , pp. 2-8] is brilliant, and could well serve as an outline for Irving's appeal. Based on my own close reading of the trial transcript, as my years of experience as a lawyer, I'd like to chip…

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