Year: 2014

Open Letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein

Some of it Happened, Some of it Didn't CODOH Committee for Open Debate On the Holocaust Senator Dianne Feinstein331 Hart Senate Office Bldg.Washington, D.C. 20510Phone: (202) 224-3841 14 November 2014 Dear Senator: I am writing to ask you to oppose the so-called "The ‘Nazi’ Social Security Benefits Termination Act," the bill that strips Social Security…

News and Notes

For some years now I have been writing a special cover letter to go with the December issue of this Report. Needing a little shove to get going I was searching for cover letters I wrote here for Christmas in 2004 and hopefully in 1994. Or there about. It could be interesting. As it turned…

Half a Century of Rebellion

Q: Thanks first of all that you have agreed to this interview. A: You’re most welcome. Q: And then, of course, happy birthday! How does it feel to be half a century old? A: Thanks, well, not good. But then again, I don’t really care. After 50 years we all are of the same age….

Bone-Crushing Caught on Film!

An alert reader has sent us a color film of concentration-camp inmates operating a machine quite clearly the same as the one examined by our Klaus Schwensen in our Fall 2013 issue! The scene is in the three seconds between 52:38 min and 52:41 at Not to spoil it for you, but you'll note how cunningly…

Inside the Gas Chambers

Inside the Gas Chambers, by Carlo Mattogno. The Barnes Review, Washington, DC, 267 pp. $25 The “Holocaust debate” is, at least for the defenders of the regnant account, something of a kabuki dance. The tiny, furious cadre of revisionists dances impotently around the lumbering bulk of the defenders, throwing vicious punch after punch and landing…

Jan Karski’s Visit to Belzec

“Claude Lanzmann: There are no survivors of Belzec. Jan Karski: There are a lot of them!” “One man who tried to stop the Holocaust.” “The first witness to the Holocaust.” Superlatives have never been lacking in descriptions of the Polish courier Jan Karski. His celebrity has extended to academia, where much ink has been spilled…

Republican Party Animal

Republican Party Animal, by David Cole, Feral House, Port Townsend, WA, 2014, 319 pp. Republican Party Animal is a layered chronicle of David Cole’s short but storied public career as a “Jewish Holocaust denier” and of his equally unlikely “second life” as David Stein, when he would come to play an influential role as an…

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