Year: 2014

Manna from Hell

Israel, for reasons its rulers claim to be unable to divine, is beset by enemies—enemies, conveniently, much of whose territories abut the territory assigned Israel by the 1948 UN General Assembly resolution that led to its creation. This makes the territories adjoining Israel available for conquest and occupation to “prevent attacks on Israel” from them,…

On the Avoidability of World War One

On August 1, 1914, as dreadful war was breaking out in Europe, the German ambassador Prince Lichnowsky paid a visit to Britain’s Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey. Dr Rudolf Steiner commented as follows upon this meeting – in a 1916 lecture which he gave in Switzerland: “A single sentence and the war in the West…

Holocaust Denial and Anti-Semitism

The terms “Holocaust denial” and “anti-Semitism” are hopelessly bound together in the public consciousness. In an article published this November on a blog page of the Chicago Sun-Times, it was reported that the US State Department’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, Hannah Rosenthal, would pay particular attention to a growing level of Holocaust…

Relegation—A Formula for Blowback

Pre-emptive censorship is a nefarious but effective form of suppression that is as close as this issue’s editorial, in which Richard Widmann reports the peremptory expungement of Inconvenient History’s two bound annual books of our Website’s articles from the offerings of their erstwhile publisher, Lulu Publishing. Not only are our laboriously compiled books no longer…

Resistance Is Obligatory

He who argues that peaceful dissidents on historical issues should be deprived of their civil rights for their diverging views, that is: incarcerated, is – if given the power to implement his intentions – nothing else but a tyrant (if enacting laws to support his oppressive deeds) or a terrorist (if acting outside the law)….

The Moral and Intellectual Bankruptcy of a Scholar

When I visited Copenhagen in 1997 and 1998, I had several lengthy discussions with Danish revisionist Dr. Christian Lindtner, a Sanskrit scholar and expert in the history of Buddhism. Lindtner impressed me with his extraordinary knowledge of classical languages, and he seemed to be thoroughly familiar with the revisionist arguments. Therefore I was very glad…

The Palestinians as an “Invented People”

The name “Palestine” has been around for a long time. “Peleset”, transliterated from Egyptian hieroglyphics as “P-l-s-t”, is found in numerous Egyptian documents referring to a neighboring people or land starting from around 1150 BC. The “Philistine” States existed concurrently with the ancient Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, making up the coastal plain below Jaffa…

The Report of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission on the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

The “Extraordinary State Commission” (ESC, from Russian ЧГК, an acronym for Чрезычайная Государственная Комисссия) was created in November 1942 in order to detect and investigate “crimes perpetrated by the German Fascist Invaders” and the damage caused by them. After the Red Army had reconquered Soviet territories previously occupied by the Germans, this commission became very…

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