Month: October 2015

Internet Roundup

Last month CODOHWeb was pleased to add yet another language to its ever expanding International page. Working through a friend of CODOH in Turkey, we received a complete text of Harun Yahya’s revisionist book, Holocaust Deception: The Secret History of the Nazi-Zionist Alliance and the Inside Story of the Jewish Holocaust Deception. Posting the entire…

Joe Sobran Links with CODOHWeb

Noted commentator and lecturer Joseph Sobran has for some time had an honored niche in CODOHWeb’s “The Tangled Web: The Consequences.” That portion of CODOHWeb lays out some of the many consequences that blind acceptance of the mythic aspects of the Holocaust has entailed for Americans as well as Palestinians, and even Israelis. Recently Joe…

Interest in Revisionism Surging in the Middle East

The spread of revisionism across the Middle East shows no sign on slowing. In February Roger Garaudy, the octogenarian French intellectual convicted of violating French law against denying the Holocaust (see SR 51 & 52), traveled to Egypt on the invitation of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture and Information. On February 15 the official Egyptian…


At Swarthmore College the beat goes on (thanks, Sonny). The liberal paper on campus, The L-Word, devotes most of its issue this month to the controversy precipitated by the distribution on campus of our leaflet The Holocaust Controversy: The Case for Open Debate. First there was the shock of the leaflet itself. Then The Phoenix,…

The Home Front. Other Stuff

It’s been a nice month. Four storms passed through. My office is on the second floor and I can walk out on the terraza and see in three directions. To the west we are the fourth house from the end of the street. Beyond a concrete block wall are fields a quarter mile across and…

Roger Garaudy Convicted of “Revisionism,” Fined $40,000

As this issue of Smith’s Report was being readied for press, we received the news from Paris that Roger Garaudy was convicted on February 27 of violating France’s law against contesting the Holocaust story. The 83-year-old Frenchman, who had to contend with legal attacks from ten different Jewish associations as well as with the state…


I found your Web page and was deeply moved. Do you know the story, surely apocryphal, about Mozart discovering the music of J.S. Bach? According to the story Mozart was already an established composer by the time of this discovery (which was quite possible, given Bach’s obscurity as a composer in those days), and after…

Internet Roundup

The Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) of Los Angeles has once again smeared and slurred revisionists. It should come as no surprise to readers of Smith’s Report that SWC has done so by its continued hateful misuse of the “hate” label. Working from its own volatile equation (Hate + Fear = $), the SWC has now…

World Scope

SR reader Manfred Roeder gets around: last September he was badly beaten by leftist thugs while demonstrating against a traveling exhibition that seeks to smear Germany’s WWII Wehrmacht with “Holocaust” calumnies long reserved for the SS. Despite severe cuts, a concussion, and a broken finger, Roeder was back in the streets agitating against the defamatory…

Holocaust Museums Come under Attack from Washington to Berlin

In recent weeks and months. Holocaust museums and proposed Holocaust museums have encountered unprecedented criticism and reversals, in the United States, in Canada, and in Germany. While the critics have neither expressed nor been motivated by full-throttle Holocaust revisionism, they have nevertheless objections that are implicitly revisionist. Take the fall of Walter Reich, who was…

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