Month: November 2015

Giving Interviews

I’ve mentioned this story before, but it puts other matters in perspective to mention it again here. About five years ago I was sitting at the computer in my garage in Visalia when the phone rang. It was Mike Wallace. He wanted to interview me for 60 Minutes. I suppose a booking agent had called…

Holocaust Studies

Let’s agree that one ideal of the university is to promote intellectual freedom, and one ideal of the professorial class is to teach students to honor it Yet this is not true in Holocaust Studies. There, if students express doubt about “eyewitness” testimony, for example, even if it is demonstrably false, dishonorable or both, they…


Friend: The Campus Project kicked off good in October. Smith’s Report has a facelift. We have a new bi-monthly publication, The Revisionist—which you should have received a couple weeks ago. TR has been distributed via the student newspaper at Hofstra University in Hempsted, New York (see story below). And the stats for CODOHWeb demonstrate that…


*** Today I was sent an update to the Webpage of Heather McCalden, the daughter of David McCalden, the “conceptual” founder, with Willis Carto, of the Institute for Historical Review. She is rather a beauty, and into ballet and related arts. I remember her as a little girl. When I think of David the first…


Liberty Survivor I am a USS Liberty survivor. I would like to thank you for writing a great article about our incident. It’s nice to see someone get it right once in a while. Thanks so very much. John Hrankowski, Rochester, NY Mr. Hrankowski refers to the review of James Ennes’s Assault on the Liberty…

The ADL’s “Big Lie” Campaign

The huge success of revisionist outreach via the Internet by CODOHWeb and other on-line revisionists has been recently acknowledged by none other than the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL). Stung by our breakthroughs, ADL has launched a new on-line smear, titled “Poisoning the Web: Hatred on Line.” This “report” on “hatred” predictably targets various…

Brad Smith to Open Irving Conference in Cincinnati

English revisionist David Irving, who has been authoring historical revisionist bestsellers since 1964, has chosen CODOH’s Bradley Smith to open his ambitious Real History USA conference, scheduled for September 24-26 in Cincinnati. The conference, which is being organized by Irving’s Focal Point Publications, will feature talks by an all-star line-up of revisionist scholars and activists,…


Three young men, students at colleges in Ohio and Pennsylvania, drove down to Baja the other day to say hello. All have done revisionist work on their campuses; one while he edited his campus newspaper. They wanted to pass a couple days overdosing on revisionism. A good time was had by all. It was interesting…

Germar Rudolf on Revisionism in Germany and the United States

Recently Germar Rudolf, the young German chemist whose investigations at Auschwitz and Majdanek both vindicated and improved on those of Fred Leuchter, visited the United States. Supporters of the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, including CODOH director Bradley Smith, were able to meet and talk with Rudolf on several occasions, including at the…

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