Year: 2017

Lipstadt, Alternative Facts and Northwestern University.

There is a certain amount of irony in Professor Deborah Lipstadt's lecture on "Alternative Facts;” given the amount of misinformation surrounding the Irving v. Penguin Trial. What was the Trial Really About? Lipstadt and her supporters have loudly proclaimed that the trial “proved the Holocaust.” That is not accurate. Judge Gray specifically stated: “It is…

Memorabilia: Coffee with Bradley Smith: Buchenwald Gas Chambers

Bradley R. Smith, founder of CODOH, was also the biggest activist of free speech and free exchange of ideas with regard to the Holocaust question on American campus university .Here you will get a glimpse into how your typical world reknowed professor models the evasion of simple historical questions for students.  

Samuel Crowell: In Memoriam!

I learned of the passing of Samuel Crowell as I have learned of the passing of several friends over the past year—via email. I had been away for the day but decided to check my messages prior to retiring for the evening. There were several stacked up regarding my late friend; the subject of the…

Important Decision by the Supreme Court of FRG

German author Michael Winkler [] from Würzburg in Franconia had been succesfully appealing to the Supreme court, the Constitutional Court of the FRG. The case: Winkler had been sentenced because of "denying the holocaust" for he had written in an article that "since 1944 no Jew had been deported to Auschwitz". Before the most recent decision of the…

Josef Mengele – the Creation of a Myth

May I ask my dear reader whether he or she recognizes any of the following names: Fritz Klein, Heinz Thilo, Bruno Kitt, Erwin von Helmersen, Werner Rohde, Hellmuth Vetter, Horst Schumann, Carl Clauberg, Hans Wilhelm König, Franz Lucas, Alfred Trzebinski, Oskar Dienstbach, Siegfried Schwela, Franz von Bodmann, Kurt Uhlenbroock, Eduard Wirths, Hans Münch, Johann Paul…

Letter to the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee

Clerk of the Home Affairs Committee, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. [email protected]. Dear Clerk Oxborough,   I am writing to ask the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee (Committee) to reconsider its definition of Anti-Semitism.  I am specifically objecting to the language stating that, "Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality…

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