Year: 2018

Hans Metzner: The Old Jack in the Box

  Greetings ladies and gentlemen. A few days ago an article about your humble author appeared at the Holocaust Controversies blog written by a certain Hans Metzner. Titled Panagiotis Heliotis – The New Star Shining in the Revisionist Coffin?[1] Metzner attempts to respond to one of my articles regarding Marcel Nadjari. For those familiar with…

Victor Davis Hanson: The New Old World Order

Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and military historian, professor of classics, and the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. He is the author of more than a dozen and a half books. Here is an interesting analisis on current world affairs which is not stictly to do with the Holocaust but the H religion expanded to many views and topics.

Memorabilia: The last English Language Interview with Eric Hartmann, the World’s Greatest Fighter Pilot

This is the last interview of arguably the greatest fighter from the Luftwaffe, which was the aerial warfare branch of the combined German Wehrmacht (Defence Forces) during World War II. A unique piece. Ernst Zundel presents another Voice of Freedom video broadcast. Here the greatest air ace of all time is interviewed (29 minutes). This…

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