Year: 2018

After a long wait, the Einsatzgruppen book is finally in my hands

I RECEIVED THE OTHER DAY the long-awaited book The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories by Carlo Mattogno and am eager to get into it. After first looking at the Table of Contents, I went straight to a couple of pages at the back headed “Conclusion” and was satisfied, as of the moment anyway, with the way…

Gleiwitz: A False, False Flag?

Nothing unusual happened at the Gleiwitz transmitter station on the night/early morning of 31 August. There was certainly no false-flag event initiated by SS or SD troops there. However, a few vexing questions remain unanswered According to most historians, the Gleiwitz Incident is the “false flag” that touched off World War II in Europe. Put…

Does Amazon Censor Book Reviews?

As we have documented in detail elsewhere, in early March 2017, Amazon removed from its online bookstore well over a hundred books (print and Kindle versions) on the history of World War II in general and on the persecution of the Jews in particular, after Amazon had been pressured for years, mainly by Jewish organizations,…

Memorabilia: David Irving Zionist Bankers Main Financiers of Hitler

David Irving in Canada, 1985, describes how Zionist bankers financed Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist Party. Zionists wanted Jews to leave Germany, they also wanted to make a fast buck. David Irving, brilliant English writer of many a best seller and incredible researcher, show the murky goings on of Zionist conspirators in their dealings with National…

The “Jewish Threat”

Joseph W. Bendersky, The “Jewish Threat”: Anti-Semitic Politics of the U.S. Army, Basic Books, 2000, 586 pp. The “Jewish Threat”: Anti-Semitic Politics of the U.S. Army by American historian Joseph W. Bendersky is a well-researched book which documents that many people in American military intelligence believed in an international Jewish conspiracy to take over the…

Monika Schaefer’s Second Talk with Brian Ruhe since Leaving a German Jail

This is Monika Schaefer's second visit on The Brian Ruhe Show since being freed from an Allied puppet state prison in Germany after 10 months imprisonment for exposing the "Holocau$t" as a fraud. Monika and her brother Alfred, have been active in rebutting the Holocau$t lie. Both Monika and Alfred have recieved prison sentences in…

The Betrayal of Honorable Dissent: German Scientists after World War II

The end of World War II brought a crisis in Germany that is rarely mentioned in the history books. The Allied denazification program and extreme economic deprivations in Germany aroused bitterness among leading German scientists. Even vehemently anti-Nazi German scientists came to realize that the Allied occupation was a system of repression no better than…

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