Year: 2020

Holohoax Tales Bromide in the Coffee (1:15 min)

According to Wikipedia and Bromide is a sedative. It wouldn't make sense to feed this to workers. In this Video clip a Jew from Germany, claims that at Auschwitz, that his morning coffee was laced with Bromide. He confronted the chef who told him that he just poured the entire tin in and didn’t…

NPR Holocaust Memoir Exposed as Fake (17:00 min)

Source: NPRDecember 29, 2008Holocaust Memoir Exposed As Fake Herman Rosenblat, a Jew from Poland was moved into a “Ghetto” in 1939, where he and three brothers remained for six years. In 1945 he was transferred to Schlieben, a sub camp of Buchenwald. In his memoirs, for which he received $150,000 for book and film rights,…

Donald Trump Signs Holocaust Bill while Country Burns

For some odd reason, some Americans think that Donald Trump is against the “establishment”. In reality Trump is just another President, since George Washington got money from Haym Solomon, to pander to the Zionist elite. While the USA and countries around the world are suffering from riots by Communists, unemployment is increasing, more on welfare,…

Jewish Writer Gilad Atzmon on Free Speech and the Holocaust (14:04 min)

Gilad Atzmon discusses Tolerance, History and Revisionism on Aspen GrassRoots TV, July 2010 This set of six video clips covers an almost taboo controversy to do with freedom of speech. In the discussion, Atzmon stresses the ethical and logical need for history to be open to revision. Participants, left to right: Gilad Atzmon — Harvie…

Holocaust on Trial Documentary PBS Smears Irving v. Lipstadt Holocaust Denial Trial

Controversial historian David Irving sued Jewish-American academic Deborah Lipstadt for libel after she had accused him of being a distorter of history and a Holocaust denier. Irving mounted his case alone, without legal support, taking on the legal big guns of a major publisher. This documentary is a reenactment of the courtroom proceedings as Irving…

Accounts of the American and French POW Camps after World War II

The Western Allies deliberately murdered large numbers of disarmed German prisoners of war (POWs) after World War II by means of starvation, exposure and withholding water. This Allied atrocity was first publicly exposed in 1989 in the book Other Losses by James Bacque. Bacque estimated that the victims undoubtedly number over 790,000, almost certainly over…

EPIC The Story of the Waffen SS Documentary by Leon Degrelle Special English Translation (1:21:59)

This video (One hour twenty one minutes) tells the story of Leon Degrelle, who rose from the rank of private to General in the Waffen-SS (Armed-SS).  In 1918, the German Government was overthrown and the Kaiser was forced to abdicate. Germany became a republic. The defeat in the war meant that large provinces were taken…

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