Month: September 2024

Open-Air Pyre Cremations Revisited

Introduction Almost one third of all six-million Holocaust victims claimed by the orthodox narrative are said to have been killed in just three camps: Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka. All these victims are said to have been burned outdoors on pyres, leaving behind only ashes. Another set of slightly different open-air pyre cremations is said to…

Experimental Study on the Fuel Requirements for the Thermal Degradation of Bodies by Means of Open-Pyre Cremation

Abstract The results of a systematic study of open-pyre cremation of bodies is reported here with the aim of providing quantitative information on the mechanisms controlling the cremation process, and the relationship between the characteristics of a fire and the level of consumption of a body. Systematically constructed timber pyres and recently euthanized pig carcasses…

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