An Imaginary Holocaust May Lead to a Real Holocaust
Robert Faurisson is Europe’s foremost Holocaust revisionist scholar. Born in 1929, educated at the Sorbonne, Professor Faurisson taught at the University of Lyon from 1974 until 1990. Specializing in close textual analysis, Faurisson won widespread acclaim for his studies of poems by Rimbaud and Lautréamont. After years of private research and study, Faurisson revealed his skepticism of the “Holocaust” gas chambers in articles published in 1978 and 1979 in the French daily Le Monde. He has written numerous articles on all aspects of the “Holocaust,” many of which have appeared in this journal. A four-volume collection of many of his revisionist writings, Écrits Révisionnistes (1974–1998), was published in 1999.
Without the lie of the alleged Holocaust and the alleged gas chambers, the State of Israel would not exist, and the world would be a more peaceful place. The false Holocaust has become the sword and the shield of Israel, endangering peace. An imaginary holocaust, invented and nurtured by the Zionists of Israel and the Jews of the Diaspora, may lead to an actual, global holocaust.
The Jews and the Americans
In 1947-1948, representing themselves as the survivors of an alleged genocide, the Jews obtained, by blackmail and terrorism, the right to create a state in the land of Palestine. Nonchalantly, they persuaded the international community that, in compensation for an unprecedented tragedy (their supposed “Holocaust”), they merited an unprecedented remedy: the award of lands belonging to other peoples. After receiving this exorbitant gift, they enlarged their territory considerably in chronic wars, paying no heed to the restrictions instituted by the United Nations to protect the Palestinians, restrictions which the Zionists had made a commitment to respect. For over fifty years, with the help of the Jewish Diaspora, they have carried out a colonial policy of conquest and apartheid against the Palestinian people. The Zionists have violated one international agreement after another, treating some sixty UN resolutions against their practices as null and void. America’s political leaders have supported, armed, and defended Israel as devotedly as if it were the foremost state of the United States of America. It must be said that they cannot afford to defy the Jewish lobby, which closely monitors all their country’s political and media spheres. Nonetheless, most Americans, intoxicated by the holocaust propaganda, are all too ready to derive their own belief in a world divided into two groups – one good (Jews and their associates), the other evil (Nazis and their ilk) – from the inventions of a Jewish neurosis. For these Americans, the Nazi, supreme villain, ever bent on killing the poor Jew, paragon of innocence and virtue, is the measure of all things. It is not mere coincidence that the ghastly hulk which houses the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum stands in the immediate proximity of the Washington Monument, not far from Capitol Hill.
The Arabs and the Muslims
The Jews have finally exhausted the patience of the Arab and Muslim world. During their long history they had, down the centuries, worn out their welcome with every European nation which had admitted them in large numbers, in particular the English, the French, the Spanish, and, especially, the Germans and the Poles. Until rather recently the example of the long-standing (relative) tolerance of the Arabs toward the Jews served as fodder for morality lessons regularly addressed to European nations. Today, such lessons are no longer possible. The Arab exception is no more: even their fellow Semites are now rising against the Jewish people, “domineering and self-assured” (as Charles de Gaulle called them in 1967). To be sure, within the Jewish community there have occasionally been efforts on the part of a few clear-sighted spirits such as Noam Chomsky and the late Israel Shahak, author of Jewish History, Jewish Religion, to warn the zealots, but these have gone unheard. That said, Chomsky, like Shahak, has always endorsed the great Jewish myth, thus authorizing Israel to continue to employ, with an untroubled conscience, its best argument and the number one weapon in its arsenal: the “Holocaust,” of course. The Arabs, the Muslims, and the entire Palestinian people are today the principal victims of this weapon and this argument fashioned from a lie.
The New Crusade
On September 11, 2001, the weak struck at the citadel of the mighty, in New York. The heart of Jewish-American power, the financial district centered on Wall Street, where the fortunes of the world’s lowly billions are daily decided, was hit by the full force of “terrorists” brave enough to sacrifice their lives in a suicide mission.
On that day in New York, the first tower of the World Trade Center (a name that meant business!) might have been called “Hamburg” or “Hiroshima,” the second “Dresden” or “Nagasaki.” Yet, their destruction seems to have left, by various estimates, no more than between three and five thousand dead – a far cry from the great feats of annihilation of the U.S. and British air forces in the early 1940s.
In response America has embarked on another crusade. In the 1940s, General Dwight Eisenhower (who would later be rewarded with the presidency) launched a “Crusade in Europe,” a military-industrial undertaking which was to prove most fruitful for the United States (“The Best War Ever”) but quite the opposite for the peoples of Europe: for them it meant millions of dead, immense destruction, and the consignment of a good part of their continent to the Soviet Russian Moloch. This “liberation” of Europe, moreover, brought in its wake a cruel political purge, the murderous expulsion of twelve to fifteen million Germans, arbitrary dragnets and roundups, the dismemberment of a great country, its complete military occupation, a regime of censorship, and the imposition of tribunals in which the victors, as judges and prosecutors both, tried the vanquished in patently sham proceedings. Today, in 2001, trials of the same kind allow the children of Israel to exact vengeance on octogenarians or nonagenarians accused, on the strength of Jewish testimony alone, of “crimes against humanity.”

On makeshift pyres of steel girders, heaped bodies of victims of the Dresden air raid were cremated in large bonfires. Some two thousand British and American bombers took part in the devastating attack, February 13-14, 1945. So intense was the heat of the firestorm created in the raid that molten asphalt flowed through the streets. Conservative estimates put the number of victims at 135,000 – the great majority of them civilians. According to some estimates as many as 300,000 perished in the raid. At the time of the attack Dresden was packed with hundreds of thousands of women and children fleeing advancing Soviet forces. One of Europe's great cultural and architectural treasures, the German city had no importance as a military target. Terrorism and mass killing were the sole objectives of the Dresden attack, which British diplomat and author Harold Nicolson called “the single greatest holocaust by war.”
The Previous Crusades
In reaction to the attacks of September 11, America, this time, is out for “infinite justice,” by slaughtering civilians for the twentieth time in sixty years. From 1941 to 2001, no military corps has killed or burnt more civilians, more children, and more infants than the air armada consisting of the U.S. Air Force and the squadrons of the U.S. Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, sometimes seconded by their ally, the RAF. The knights-errant of phosphorus, napalm, Agent Orange, fragmentation bombs, nuclear fire, and uranium (enriched or depleted) are about to inflict their time-honored lessons in international law, justice, virtue, and “enduring freedom” on desperately poor lands, as they have done to Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden, and to Europe at large (67,000 killed in the “liberation” of France alone), as well as to Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Grenada, Panama, Yugoslavia, and elsewhere. In just sixty years the Americans, who are also the world’s biggest industrial polluters, have battered the Earth’s surface with billions of bombs, shells, missiles, and mines, especially anti-personnel mines, so dangerous to civilians. Concerned about the lives of their own soldiers – which is understandable – the U.S. armed forces usually opt for a particularly cowardly method of combat. Dropping bombs at high altitude, launching missiles from a great distance, spreading terror among unarmed civilian populations, the American military has for some years sought a zero-death war, which, as French revisionist Vincent Reynouard puts it, amounts to waging wars in which, on one side, the death toll is zero, or close to it, while the dead of the other side count for … nothing. Comfortably ensconced on their aircraft carriers or on bases well behind the front, the boys, inhaling their snacks and downing their beer, rain down death and destruction from afar.
The Real Holocaust of the German Cities
Beside the martyrdom of the German cities in the last war, the fate of those who fled Manhattan after the destruction of the two towers was enviable. They escaped the scene of the disaster without being strafed with machine gun bullets. Unlike so many Germans from 1942 to 1945 – starved, sleepless, grief-stricken day by day by news of the deaths of their brothers and husbands, above all on the Russian front – the refugees from Manhattan were not turned into human torches targeted by fighter-bombers. The victims of the carpet bombings often fled with their hair and their clothing in flames. They would dive into water to extinguish the flames, which would die down, only to flare up anew when the poor souls came up for air: phosphorus. The last to die in the firestorm perished from heat so intense it blistered the roofs of their mouths. As for the firemen and first-aid workers, many of them were killed by delayed-action bombs.

Madeleine Albright directed American foreign policy as President Clinton's Secretary of State, 1996-2001. A few months before being named to that post, she was questioned about the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children in Iraq due to the scarcity of food and medicine as a result of sanctions against the country imposed by the United States since 1990. In a “60 Minutes” interview, broadcast May 12, 1996, veteran CBS reporter Lesley Stahl asked: “We have heard that half a million children have died [as a result of the sanctions]. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima. And – and you know, is the price worth it?” Albright replied: “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price – we think the price is worth it.”
The Futile Lessons of the Past
In this Black September, Americans were able to get an idea – though only a small one – of what they have inflicted on so many countries over so many years. In Vietnam they suffered a humiliating defeat, and brought home 56,000 bodybags. They seemed to have learned what it might cost to scorn those smaller, weaker, and poorer than themselves. France and Britain had experienced identical humiliations during the collapse of their colonial empires; they also appeared to have learned some useful lessons. Now, however, the United States, Britain, and France, all seized by martial frenzy, are forgetting the lessons from their recent histories.
Terrorism Magnified by Those Who Complain of It
It is a bit ludicrous to see the mighty denounce the terrorism of their adversaries. Not only did these same mighty invent terrorism on the grand scale, they promoted it, praised it, and sublimated it, under the term “resistance.” Roosevelt, Churchill, de Gaulle, Tito, and their friend Stalin all, in varying degrees, made the ambush murder of enemy soldiers and civilians their policy. In this way these leaders cold-bloodedly provoked reprisals by the enemy, carried out in conformance with international conventions, so that slaughter would breed slaughter. Thereby the Allies made covert warfare, the coward’s war, a fixture of the twentieth century. Assuredly the spirit of resistance is a noble one, but not in that form. And what is to be said of the terrorism practised by the founders of the Zionist state, who murdered, for example, Lord Moyne, Count Bernadotte, and so many others? A model, it would seem, for struggle in a just cause.
The Luck of the Jews
The twin office towers in New York were under long-term lease to one Larry Silverstein, who will doubtless get fat “reparations.” His coreligionist Madeleine Albright, daughter of a thief named Körbel, stated in 1996 that even if American policy toward Iraq had caused the deaths of half a million Iraqi children, “the price … was worth it.” The Israeli Netanyahu could not hide his joy on learning of the destruction of the towers and the deaths of thousands of Americans: it was good news for the Jews, because America would now understand that its own interests and those of Israel were identical. Sharon, the butcher and incendiary, along with Shimon Peres, saw in it an opportunity both for his policy of planting Jewish settlements amidst the Arab masses and for his program of systematic assassination. For the nonce, the United States lets him kill Palestinian adults and children at will, with bullets, shells, missiles, tanks, helicopters, and planes paid for by the American taxpayer.
Hard Luck Ahead for the Jews
The Americans and Israelis can have their sport. It may cost them dearly, however, for the State of Israel is doomed. It won’t last even as long as the ephemeral Christian kingdom of Jerusalem. A bin Laden or a second Saladin won’t be needed. Not weapons, not money, not the United States, nor the Jews of the Diaspora, nor Germany which, prey to its national masochism, would be capable of sacrificing its soldiers for the survival of the leech state, will stop “the Descent” (as the Hebrews call Jewish emigration from Israel, as opposed to “their Ascent” to the Promised Land). For the Israelis are already jumping ship. In Tel Aviv, in Jerusalem, in the settlements, Jewish fathers and mothers fear for their own lives and for those of their children, for their careers, for their businesses. The tax burden imposed by Israel’s military budget, and the length and the dangers of military service (for both men and women), are decreasing the numbers of taxpayers and potential recruits, by way of the phenomenon of “re-emigration.” The Promised Land is becoming the most hazardous spot on earth for Jews. It had been a safe haven for swindlers and thieves, in particular for that mafia called “Russian,” which is in fact Judeo-Russian. Israel has granted extradition requests from countries attempting to prosecute Flatto Sharon and similar crooks only very rarely. Today, however, French courts are finding, in cases connected with the gigantic bank swindle known as the “affaire du Sentier,” that brazen crooks who had fled France for refuge in Israel prefer to return, even if it means going to prison. The land of milk and honey is awash in blood and tears. Whose fault is that?
Between the Suitcase and the Coffin
So the wandering Jew is about to hit the road again. In nearly every place he has sojourned, his conduct has aroused the revolt of the host population, which has finally ordered him to choose between the suitcase and the coffin. In today’s Israel, he will soon have need to pack his suitcase. He will make his way back to the rich lands that have been brainwashed by his holocaustic propaganda. Bewailing a second “Holocaust” and a third Destruction of the Temple will suffice: then he’ll demand new reparations, new privileges. The Shoah business and Holocaust industry will renew their vigor, this time, however, at risk of reaching the saturation point.
In a worst-case scenario, Israel may experience a civil war waged by an underground army of desperados. In the end, Tel Aviv could suffer the fate of Algiers in 1962, and Jewish Jerusalem go down like Saigon in 1975. A less dramatic fall, similar to that of communist East Germany or of the Soviet empire, is also possible. In any case, the epicenter of the present conflict is Israel, and Israel is finished.
War Propaganda
The lot of Palestinians of all faiths will be tragic, provoking ever more despair and fanaticism. The masses of the Arab-Muslim countries already hope to see the West punished for the crimes which, in their view, it has committed or tolerated, in Palestine (more so than for its misdeeds in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, or Afghanistan). A spirit of jihad, or holy war, is growing among these masses, as well. Aya-Torahs and ayatollahs incite one another. On both sides, in the rich and powerful West and among the deprived populations of the Arab-Muslim world, passions and fears are intensifying. There is going to be a great deal of killing and a great deal of lying. The prodigious lie of the alleged “Holocaust” of the Jews, sword and shield of Israel and the Diaspora, could thus lead to a real holocaust of global dimensions. Revisionist authors have long warned that the religion of the false “Holocaust,” with its imaginary “gas chambers” and its alleged “Six Million,” carried within it a frightful catalyst for hatred. Contemporary events give cause for fear that this hatred will culminate in setting the planet ablaze and provoking a worldwide holocaust.
Revisionist Carefulness
The revisionists will follow the example set by Paul Rassinier, the first revisionist. Proof against all war propaganda, they will aim for exactitude even as emotions on both sides are breeding lies. They will refuse to spread the inventions of anti-American, anti-Jewish, or anti-Arab propaganda. As for September 11, they are duty-bound to spare us such typical conspiratorial scuttlebutt as “Bush knew,” “The CIA must have known,” “The FBI was in on it,” “It was all a Mossad plot,” “Four thousand Jews didn’t show up for work that day,” “Explosives had been planted in both buildings,” etc. Arab propaganda will harp more than ever on the myths of Jewish ritual murder or Jews poisoning gentiles’ wells, and it will invoke that patent forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Many more rumors, delusions, lunacies, and examples of mass delusion are to be anticipated. The Americans will underestimate the numbers of victims of their bombings and the Afghans will exaggerate them. God or Jehovah, on one side, and Allah on the other, will, together with their prophets, be called upon to incite hatred and fear. False witnesses, false reports, false interviews, and fake documents will proliferate. In this field Bush the son will perhaps surpass Bush the father’s story of the incubators unplugged by the Iraqis in Kuwait. Censorship, of course, will increase without governments even having to pass new laws.

David Ben-Gurion, in the foreground, at the ceremony in Tel Aviv on May 14, 1948, at which he and other Zionist leaders proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. Ben-Gurion (1886-1973) served as Israel's first prime minister, 1948-1953, and again from 1955 to 1963. During a conversation in 1956 with Nahum Goldmann, president of the World Jewish Congress, he said:
“Why should the Arabs make peace? If I were an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural; we have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not theirs. We come from Israel, it's true, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that?”
Source: Nahum Goldmann, “The Jewish Paradox” (New York: 1978), p. 99.
The Holy Alliance of the Mighty
In France, the daily Le Monde, which I call the “oblique journal,” made its obeisance at the outset. Under the by-line of its editor, the hunched, sweaty-palmed Jean-Marie Colombani, its lead was headlined “We Are All Americans.” With that, France found itself in a state of war. It is a tradition dear to the left (which, as everyone knows, has a monopoly on warm-heartedness and intelligence) to plunge the country into war without prior consultation of Parliament, nor any decision on the latter’s part. This amounts to a total disregard for the law, for the constitution, but no matter! It allows the French citizen to go to sleep at peace and to wake up to war. To be fair, let us remember that the president, Jacques Chirac, a former Communist turned Gaullist, feels even more bellicose and American than his prime minister, Lionel Jospin, the head of a Socialist-Communist-Green coalition. A kind of holy alliance has been forged against the turbaned pariah from whence all the evil: Osama bin Laden, to call him by name. Once upon a time, his name was Adolf Hitler. Did he not commit an unforgivable crime by meddling with gold, the Jews, and Communism? He had had the effrontery to reject the gold standard. He did so well without it that his new economic system enabled him to trade on a large scale with other gold-poor countries, notably Italy, Japan, and certain central European and Latin American states. Britain, France, and the United States were panic-stricken: Germany was encroaching on their turf, taking away their markets. The rich (in gold) never appreciate the revolt, the coalition, and the success of the poor (in gold). At the end of the 1930s, the three wealthy nations, which claimed to share the same democratic system, were, more than anything, bound, one to the other, by a chain of gold. After the war, in 1947, L. Genet and Victor-L. Tapié were able to publish, in their Précis d’histoire contemporaine, 1919–1939 (Paris: Hatier), a quotation which would read in English: “It is thus not an ideological link but a chain of gold that bound the great democracies to one another” (p. 206); they added: “Six years of self-sufficiency made Germany the world’s greatest industrial country” (p. 209). The Jewish financiers took even more umbrage than the rest: How could anyone get along without them and their gold?! As for Communist Russia, it watched Hitler put into actual practice the social program of which the Soviets dreamed. The rash dictator was to pay a high price for his temerity – all the higher since he began to push his luck with the recklessness of a gambler on a roll. Then came the catastrophe, for Europe and for Asia, of the Second World War.
Today’s new holy alliance of the Western democracies and Russia against the new spoilsport augurs ill for tomorrow. Beneath the usual veneer of generosity and unselfishness, the United States will deal ruthlessly with the Arab-Muslim masses, who might threaten Uncle Sam’s supplies of natural resources, his “World Trade,” and his economy. Invoking their cherished “Holocaust” and the need to avoid a second “Holocaust,” the Jews will be just as ruthless to the Palestinians. The Russians will crush any notions of independence among their Muslim minorities – and Russia already has its hand out for American alms in recompense.
The Only Chance for Peace
The only chance for peace lies in the spirit of resistance to the propagandists’ lies. Today the most dangerous propaganda does not come from the poor. It comes from the rich and powerful, and their hirelings, all of whom are capable, if they feel truly threatened, of setting the whole world afire. The most dangerous propaganda comes from the neurotics with their false “Holocaust”: the Jews, the Americans, and their minions.
Had the revisionists been heeded, the religion of the false “Holocaust” of the Jews would no longer prosper, nor still be feeding the sympathy of a large part of the Western world for the Zionist enterprise. The Diaspora would display less arrogance. To begin with, the State of Israel would not exist.
Historical lies breed hatred, a crusading zeal, and war. A return to historical exactitude would promote reflection and peace.
– October 8, 2001
Bibliographic information about this document: The Journal of Historical Review, vol. 20, no. 5+6 (September/December 2001), pp. 52-58
Other contributors to this document: n/a
Editor’s comments: n/a