Author: Thomas Dunskus

The Terror Did not Begin with Stalin

Johannes Rogalla von Bieberstein, Jüdischer Bolschewismus. Mythos und Realität (Jewish Boshevism. Myth and Reality), Edition Antaios, Dresden 2002, 312, €29.- “There is hardly any myth that is more important and which has more consequences than the one about ‘Jewish Bolshevism.’”—Prof. Dr. Ernst Nolte, Preface In a major work published a few years ago, Alexander Solshenizyn…

The Man who Knew too Much

Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince, Stephen Prior, Double Standards: The Rudolf Hess Cover-Up, Warner Little Brown & Co Ltd, 2002, 608pp., $16.95 Martin Allen, The Hitler-Hess Deception. British Intelligence’s Best-kept Secret of the Second World War, Harper Collins, NY 2003, 352pp., $27.99 More than half a century ago, in May of 1941, during a conflict that…

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