Author: Paul Eisen
Paul Eisen is UK Director of Deir Yassin Remembered. A self-identifying Jew, he writes about Jewish identity, the abuse of Jewish power and other related issues. His work can be found on his blog (members only).
But how could the Holocaust not be true?
How could the Holocaust not be true? How could such a delusion and deception have taken place? How could all those survivors be so wrong in their testimonies? How could all those perpetrators be so wrong in their confessions? How could all those documents, unspecific as they are, have been falsified? Arthur Butz called his…
Germar Rudolf / Galileo Revisited
This below text was originally written as part of a foreword intended to be published in Germar Rudolf's most recent book Resistance Is Obligatory (see more about it below), but then Paul Eisen had second thoughts about it and withdrew it. He allowed his friend Daniel McGowan to use some of his foreword, though, so…
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