Author: Norman Finkelstein

He is an American Jewish political scientist, activist, professor, and author. His primary fields of research are the Israel–Palestinian conflict and the politics of the Holocaust. He is the autor of The Holoacust Industry among many other non-fiction books.

The Holocaust Industry- Norman Finkelstein with Michael Coren

American- Jewish political scientist, activist, professor, and author, Norman Finkelstein whose primary fields of research are the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and the politics of the Holocaust, talks about his book The Holocaust Industry on a British TV show in 2002.

American Radical - The Trials of Norman Finkelstein

Jewish American political scientist Norman Finkelstein is the probing American Radical, this is the definitive documentary  on Dr. Finkelstein. A devoted son of holocaust survivors, an ardent critic of Israel and US Middle East policy, Finkelstein has been at the centre of many intractable controversies, including denial of tenure to him at DePaul University

Professor Norman  Finkelstein - The Coming Collapse of Zionism in America (2008) (1:16:32 Hrs)

Professor Norman Finkelstein : The Coming Collapse of Zionism in America

The Holocaust Industry and Censorship

This 28 minute video was released in 1996 by the late Canadian- German Revisonist, Ernst Zundel (1939-2017) as part of his "Voice of Freedom" broadcasts. Here, Ernst talks about censorship and freedom of speech in relation to the "Holocaust" hate atrocity propaganda. Ernst states that the "Holocaust" a film released in 1977 was a key moment in the increasing drive to censor opposition and free speech in order to prevent any criticism of the film.

The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein By Jim Rizoli.

The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein.

Norman Finkelstein - Political scientist - BBC HARDtalk 2012

American Presidents have long been criticised for being in thrall to the Jewish lobby.

American Jews influence US foreign policy and that explains America's unwavering support for Israel. So what happens if American Jews fall out of love with Israel? That's what the Jewish American academic Norman Finkelstein claims is happening. He says they are now so unhappy with what Israel is doing that they want to distance themselves from the country. But then, he is nothing if not controversial. He, after all, is famous for accusing Jews of exploiting the Holocaust. And his actions have so incensed Israel it's banned him from entering the country. Could he be right and if he is, what does that mean for Middle-East policy?

Norman Finkelstein on the Holocaust Industry (12:21 min)

Norman Finkelstein is a renowned political scientist who exposes the industry that has been built upon the established Holocaust narrative. He is of Jewish origin. With Jim Rizoli (12:21).

Memorabilia: CrossTalk: Norman Finkelstein vs. Israel (2010)

On Peter Lavelle's CrossTalk, Israel critic Norman Finkelstein faces off against a formidable spokesperson of Israel's 'soft power'. Finklestein is an impressive speaker and easily routs the Israeli puppet who is forced to resort to platitudes to make his "points".

CrossTalk on Holocaust Murder Revenues

Sixty-five years ago, Auschwitz was liberated by Soviet troops. Peter Lavelle asks his guests what the legacy of the Holocaust is today. Is its memory being abused? Does Israel use Holocaust as a blackmail weapon? Norman Finkelstein and Israel W. Charny discuss the issue in a heated debate.

Dr. Norman Finkelstein: The Coming Collapse of Zionism in America

Norman Finkelstein, a Jew, "gets it." Why can't all Jews 'get it?' Why have the Jews let the political Zionists usurp their religion and cause so much human misery? These and other questions unpolitically correct questions are made one of America's most controversial academic.

The Holocaust Industry All about Money? Part 2 of 3

Cross Talk is a well-known show on the RT Network. In this series of videos, the Holocaust,  the "liberation" of Auschwitz by the Soviets and the money interests behind this historical account are discussed with a key guest, Prof. Norman Finkelstein.

The Holocaust Industry All about Money? Part 3 of 3

The Holocaust Industry All about Money? Part 1 of 3

Cross Talk is a well-known show on the RT Network. In this series of videos, the Holocaust,  the "liberation" of Auschwitz by the Soviets and the money interests behind this historical account are discussed with a key guest, Prof. Norman Finkelstein. Sixty-five years ago, Auschwitz was liberated by Soviet troops. Peter Lavelle asks his guests what the…

Dr. Norman Finkelstein: The Coming Collapse of Zionism in America

Norman Finkelstein, a Jew, "gets it." Why can't all Jews 'get it?' Why have the Jews let the political Zionists usurp their religion and cause so much human misery? These and other questions unpolitically correct questions are made by one of America's most controversial academic. Here in this video (35 minutes) Doctor Finklestein lamblasts Zionism. Also…

Memorabilia: Norman G. Finkelstein and the Holocaust Industry

American Presidents have long been criticised for being too in thrall to the Jewish lobby. That American Jews influence US foreign policy and that explains America's unwavering support for Israel. So what happens if American Jews fall out of love with Israel? That's what the Jewish American academic Norman Finkelstein claims is happening. He says…

American Radical – The Trials of Norman Finkelstein

The film made its world premiere in Chicago at the 2009 IFP Chicago Underground Film Festival and won the audience choice award for best documentary. Jewish American political scientist Norman Finkelstein is the probing American Radical, this is the definitive documentary on Dr. Finkelstein. A devoted son of holocaust survivors, an ardent critic of Israel…

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