Author: Wilfried Heink


The Soviets were the main contributors of what was deemed to be evidence of alleged German crimes at the Nürnberg Trials of the International Military Tribunal (IMT). In November 1942, they created the: “Extraordinary State Commission for Ascertaining and Investigating Crimes Perpetrated by the German-Fascist Invaders and their Accomplices” to investigate those alleged crimes. From…

The Traitors in the Officer Corps of the German Armed Forces

By Wilfried Heink- Following World War I, Germany's army was demoralized, reduced to groups of free lance mercenaries. Discipline, the core of any army, especially in the German/Prussian army, was no longer. This breakdown had already started in the last month of WWI, when German troops who had been exposed to the Bolshevik virus while…

The opposition in the AA (Auswärtiges Amt = Foreign office)

On February 25, 2008 an article, written by Sven Felix Kellerhoff, appeared in Die Welt, a German daily, titled “Hitlers willige Vollstrecker im Auswärtigen Amt” (Hitler’s willing assistants in the foreign office). We were informed that in 2006 a historian commission had been assembled, chaired by Eckhard Conze (J. Fischer, former German foreign minister was…

When dealing with the official narrative

Part I About Soviet spy rings operating in Germany, foremost “The Red Orchestra”.Communism, as a form of government, can not co-exist with other forms of government, especially capitalist-, imperialist in Soviet slogan, democracies, V. Suvorov (W. B. Resun) explains in his “Stalins verhinderter Erstschlag”. This is why borders of communist countries were closed, no comparison…

The origins of “The Holocaust” or “How the Holocaust was born”.

Part II Allan Welsh Dulles was stationed in Switzerland from November 1942 to the end of WWII, as OSS chief to co-ordinate the activities of the German opposition (OSS=Office of Strategic Services, US intelligence agency formed during WWII). He wrote a book about his experiences, titled “Germany’s Underground. The Anti-Nazi Resistance”. Even though he was…


My intend is to show that, because of the many spy networks established in Germany and the occupied territories-, the numerous Germans who were opposed to National Socialism-, people in all walks of life including high ranking army officers, diplomats, bureaucrats, etc., if the Holocaust would have happened, details about it would have been known…

Who started WWII?

By Wilfried Heink- On Thursday, June 4, 2009 an article appeared in The Washington Post, titled “Russian military historian blames Poland for WWII”. The Poles protested, of course, but it appears that here too history is being re-written, as is the case with “Barbarossa”. Following WWII, authors like Annelies von Ribbentrop and Heinrich Härtle…

Documentary Evidence

At the end of WWII, the Allies decided to try the German leadership for alleged war crimes. The background to this decision was spelled out in some detail in the "Moscow Declaration" of October 30, 1943. The Russians (I know that it is politically correct to call them "Soviets", but just like the "Nazis" were…

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