Author: Carlo Mattogno

Carlo Mattogno, a specialist in text analysis and critique, is Italy’s, if not the world's, foremost Holocaust revisionist scholar. Born in 1951 in Orvieto, Italy, he has carried out advanced linguistic studies in Latin, Greek and Hebrew. He is the author of a vast number of books and papers about the Holocaust. He lives with his family in a suburb of Rome.

Christian Gerlach and the “Extermination Camp” at Mogilev

Christian Gerlach’s article, “Failure of Plans for an SS Extermination Camp in Mogilev, Byelorussia”[1] is a typical example of the historically baseless conclusions reached by Holocaust historians due to their technical ignorance, particularly in the field of crematory ovens and cremation. The article attempts to deduce an intention, on the part of the SS, to…

The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt”

Ever since the authors of the present study started publishing, together or separately, thorough studies about the most prominent German camps of the WWII era which are generally referred to as extermination camps, orthodox historians have made it a point to intentionally ignore these studies which they seem unable to refute. This eerie silence ended…

The Crematories of Auschwitz

Carlo Mattogno, a specialist in text analysis and critique, is Italy's foremost Holocaust revisionist scholar. Born in 1951 in Orvieto, Italy, he has carried out advanced linguistic studies in Latin, Greek and Hebrew. He is the author of numerous books and monographs, several of which have been published in this Journal. Mattogno has been a…

Jean-Claude Pressac and the War Refugee Board Report

In his monumental study Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers,[1] Jean-Claude Pressac proposes a “critical study of the War Refugee Board' report of November 1944 on KL Auschwitz-Birkenau” (pp. 459-468), purporting to “demonstrate the authenticity of the Rosenberg/Wetzler testimonies regarding Krematorien of type II/III” (p. 459), the accuracy of which, he concedes, is…

Two false testimonies from Auschwitz

Introduction In an article commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of the Nuremberg trial, Robert M.W. Kempner states that the extermination of the Jews has been incontestably and unassailably proved since the time of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, and the twelve successive trials which continued until mid-1949.[1] Kempner writes: The history of the Holocaust written…

Auschwitz: A case of plagiarism

The myth of “the gas chambers” is based almost exclusively on false and contradictory “eyewitness testimonies” which are accepted as authentic, in dogmatic and uncritical fashion, by the official historiography.[1] Some “eyewitnesses,” such as Kurt Gerstein, Charles Sigismund Bendel, Ada Bimko, Rudolf Höss, and Miklos Nyiszli, furnished their delirious “testimonies” at the end of the…

The First Gassing at Auschwitz: Genesis of a Myth

Introduction The story of the Auschwitz gas chambers begins, notoriously, with the experimental gassing of approximately 850 individuals, which supposedly took place in the underground cells of Block 11 within the main camp on September 3, 1941. Danuta Czech in Kalendarium der Ereignisse im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz-Birkenau (Calendar of Events in the Concentration Camp Auschwitz-Birkenau), describes…

The Myth of the Extermination of the Jews

1. Birth and Development of Revisionism National Socialist policy in the matter of Jewish emigration, pursued officially until the beginning of February 1942, thus posed a question that really was “throbbing,” to use again the adjective employed by Poliakov. If it was true that exterminating the Jews “conformed to the fundamental objective of National Socialism”[1];…

The Myth of the Extermination of the Jews

1. ‘Not a document remains, or perhaps ever existed.’ What strikes one most in the voluminous literature dedicated to the “extermination” of the Jews is the disparity existing between so grave an accusation and the fragility of the evidence furnished for its support. The elaboration and realization of so gigantic an “extermination plan” would have…

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