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Jews Worried over Youth Disinterest and Disbelief in the Holocaust (3:02 min)

In this short 3 minute video, the TV channel Russia Today (RT) talks about a poll taken of American youngsters and their knowledge about the “Holocaust” atrocity propaganda story. A lot of American youngsters don’t know about the “story” at all and don’t seem to care either. Eleven percent of American youngsters thought the Jews…

Reparation Ripoff

In this video clip (15 minutes), Jim Rizoli exposes the “Reparation” ripoff. In response to a viewers comment about “Reparation” extortion. The “six million” figure has long been exposed as a falsity, being a Kabbalistic symbolic number. (“The Jews will return to Israel minus six”). Jim states that the fraudsters behind the “Holocaust” atrocity propaganda…

Jews Evacuated from Bombings to Bergen Belsen

The Germans evacuated Jews away from the deadly bombing raids to Bergen-Belsen. Conditions in Bergen-Belsen were generally good until the final months of the war. This is confirmed by Jewish Virtual Library. propaganda films always show the poor conditions in Bergen-Belsen in order to frame the evil Germans, but the holohoaxers fail to mention this…

Auschwitz Swimming Pool

In this 13 minute clip, Jim Rizoli, exposes another lie told by the Holocaust hate propagandists. This is the swimming pool at Auschwitz I. The swimming pool is normally ignored by the guides, as it refutes their narrative of a “death camp”. The Auschwitz complex consisted of three main camps, and a number of sub…

Fat Jews Skinny Jews in Camps

In this 5 minute clip, Jim Rizoli, raises a point about the Communist & Zionist hate propaganda called the “Holocaust”.Jim shows that while the “Auschwitz Album” shows healthy and fit Jews arriving at the Birkenau camp, no crematory photos show normal sized bodies being cremated or waiting to be cremated. But those promoting this hate…

The HoloHoax Shakedown

In this 25 minute clip, William Pierce of the National Vanguard magazine, shows how Holocaust hate propagandists are utilising their incredible media power to extort billions of dollars from various countries (in this case, Switzerland) and companies (such as Volkswagen).William compares the Zionist extortion to an armed robber, who is incredibly invited to come again….

Pastor Steven Anderson The Holocaust Hoax Exposed

Pastor Steven Anderson was continually assailed by the “Holocaust” atrocity lie when speaking out about the fraudulent claims of pro-Zionist Christians.Here he examines the “gas chamber” drivel and in this 37 minute clip shows it to be complete nonsense. He shows a plaque at Auschwitz stating that four million people were killed by the Nazis….

Israeli Holocaust Museum There’s No Physical Evidence of the Holocaust

In this 5 minute clip which NEEDS to be seen, an official at the Israeli “Holocaust” museum at Yad Yeshem, casually admits that it is “distressing” to find that of the 1,000,000 + victims (mostly Jewish) of the “homocidal gas chambers” at Auschwitz 2 from1942 to 1944, where there was a resident population of 60,000…

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