Author: James Joseph Martin

Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on October 22, 1922, Dr. Charles E. Weber served in the U.S. Army during the Second World War. He worked in various intelligence assignments, including examination of the records of the German Supreme Command (OKW) in the Fechenheim Document Center in connection with the Nuremberg Trials. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati in 1954 and has taught at the University of Cincinnati, the University of Missouri, Louisiana State University and the University of Tulsa, where he served as the head of the Department of Modern Languages. He has contributed to several scholarly journals, including The Journal of Historical Review, The Freeman, and The Numismatist. Dr. Weber passed away on December 11, 2002.


Best Money Your new Journal of Historical Review is perfect. Well written and with a layout with lots of “air” and photos, it makes people interested. The best money I ever spent was to begin my subscription. I can't give you enough credit for it. Keep up the good work. H. L.Landskrona, Sweden Some Style…

Aspects of the Third Reich

Aspects of the Third Reich, by H. W. Koch, (editor and author of the five introductory sections and two other sections). New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. Paperbound, 619 pp., bibliography, index. $15.95. ISBN: 0-312-00381-1. For the sake of understanding the general nature of this book, which is a sort of anthology by various specialists…

Fire Signal: The Reich “Crystal Night”

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Qui Bono? An American Veteran’s Views on Non-Jewish Toleration and Propagation of the Extermination Thesis

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Letters to the Editor

11 September 1980 Dear Mr. Brandon, As a reader of five to twenty-five books a year (almost none of which are to be found in public libraries), historical Revisionism is the brightest star on my horizon! It is indeed sickening to see what comes out of our so-called “educational” system, and downright revolting to discover…

German history from a new perspective

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The “Holocaust': 120 Questions and Answers

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Hitler’s Apologists

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The Nazi Doctors

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