Author: Mark Weber

Mark Weber was born in 1951 in Portland, Oregon, where he was also raised. He studied history at the University of Illinois (Chicago), the University of Munich (Germany), and Portland State University, from where he received a bachelor's degree in history (with high honors). He then did graduate work in history at Indiana University (Bloomington), where he served as a history instructor and received a Master's degree in European history. Since 1995 Weber has been director of the Institute for Historical Review, which until the early 2000s was a leading revisionist history educational center and publisher based in southern California. For nine years he was editor of the IHR's former Journal of Historical Review. He is the author of many articles, reviews and essays dealing with historical, political and social issues, which have appeared in a variety of periodicals, and in a range of languages. In 1988 he testified during the second Zündel trial in Toronto as a recognized expert witness on Germany's wartime Jewish policy and the Holocaust issue. When the IHR ceased publishing new revisionist material in 2002, Weber redirected his focused on being a guest on numerous radio talk shows.

Mark Weber, Interview with Jim Rizoli, Feb. 10, 2016

Mark Weber, currently director of the Institute for Historical Review, explains his getting involved into Holocaust revisionism, and what he thinks of it now.

The Holocaust Controversy

Acclaimed Internet Web Site Offers Worldwide Access to Revisionism

Through his personal Internet web site, Journal associate editor Greg Raven makes available an impressive selection of material from the Institute for Historical Review, including dozens of IHR Journal articles and reviews. An independent service that impartially reviews and rates web sites has given the site a positive rating. In the summer of 1996, Gale…

Gertrude Stein’s Complex Worldview

Gertrude Stein with American novelist Thornton Wilder, southern France, summer 1937. Scholars of the life of Gertrude Stein were recently startled to learn that in 1938 the prominent Jewish-American writer had spearheaded a campaign urging the Nobel committee to award its Peace Prize to Adolf Hitler. This was disclosed by Gustav Hendrikksen, a former member…

Hitler as “Enlightenment Intellectual': The Enduring Allure of Hitlerism

Hitler as Philosophe: Remnants of the Enlightenment in National Socialism, by Lawrence Birken. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1995. Hardcover. 120 pages. Reference notes. Bibliography. Index. $45.00.  A specter is haunting the world – the specter of Hitlerism. That, in short, is the stern warning of this provocative book, written by an Assistant Professor of History at…

Internet Web Site Offers Instant Access to Revisionism

Through his personal Internet Web site, Journal associate editor Greg Raven makes available an impressive selection of material from the Institute for Historical Review, including IHR Journal articles and reviews and IHR leaflets. A listing of every item that has ever appeared in this Journal enables callers to quickly search for titles and authors. New…


While Stutthof is not as well known as other wartime German camps, a close look at the history of this important internment center actually tells more about the reality of the Third Reich’s “final solution” policy than studies of much better known camps such as Dachau or Buchenwald. In particular, a dispassionate look at the…

An Iconoclastic Polish Journal

Since its founding in 1986, the Polish magazine stanczyk has developed into a significant intellectual journal viewing cultural, historical and current-affairs issues from a somewhat libertarian, revisionist and “New Right” perspective. Issue No. 29 (1996), for example, features a ten-point practical guide by Jaroslaw Zadencki for viewing the forthcoming millennium from a “revolutionary conservative” perspective,…

German Authorities ‘Index’ Two IHR Leaflets

A German government censorship agency has “indexed” as “dangerous to youth” translations of two leaflets published by the Institute for Historical Review. At the request of Germany’s Interior Ministry, the “Federal Review Agency for Literature Dangerous to Youth” (Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften) on October 17 and 18, 1996, “indexed” unauthorized Internet translations of two IHR…

New Attacks Against Arthur Butz for Revisionist Web Site

Ever since the publication two decades ago of his pioneering revisionist study, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Northwestern University teacher Arthur Butz has been something of an embarrassment for the highly regarded private educational institution. Recently the Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering has again come under attack for presenting his dissident view…

‘Holocaust Deception’ Makes Waves in Turkey

A new revisionist book in Turkey has been receiving both warm praise and sharp criticism. Published in Istanbul, Soykirim Yalani (“Holocaust Deception”) is the first book-length dissident study of the Holocaust issue to appear in the nation of some 64 million people. The handsomely produced 285-page softcover work, subtitled “The Secret History of the Zionist-Nazi…

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